I wish there was something we could do as a forum to get rid of VGA/VGQ and shit eBay listings like this. It tarnishes everything good about video games when some lowlife does this. $2K? Where the hell does that number even come from? It's not even remotely realistic. I'll always be puzzled at people that try to sell something for years, and years just to get that one fool to buy it. Why not sell it for less so that you get the money sooner? It's ridiculous and maddening to me.
$5000 BIN for Magical Chase w/ manual (no box or sleeve)I wonder how much it will actually sell for......
Quote from: jelloslug on April 09, 2013, 10:33:05 AM$5000 BIN for Magical Chase w/ manual (no box or sleeve)I wonder how much it will actually sell for......I'm guessing $2842, Bob! .... you'd think the dip shit could scrounge up a lousy sleeve for it.
I can't wait for him to sell it and then put the Magical Chase box up in a future listing. Brilliant!
http://www.ebay.com/itm/MAGICAL-CHASE-TurboGrafx16-TG16-Turbo-Duo-Only-1-on-EBAY-/300888204842The price is even magical!! too bad i'm not gonna chase this one :-P