Funny thing Hailing, I took a 45 min one way trip to a store in Mass a few months back to pick up a few games he had. Got some master system games pretty decent price. Started looking at his turbo stuff and he only had a few with prices, saw lords of the rising sun, an ok game, no price, I ask the guy what are you getting for it. Whats he do? pulls out the friggin laptop and looks it up, then says i'll give ya the mid range price........DOUCHE BAG. but I wanted to play it and have it for my system so I paid. Don't recall how much but it didn't break the bank.
At least he didn't super-gouge, yeah?
He was likely looking at
asking prices, not a combo of Sold and un-sold Completed listings to gauge the
going rate.
If you look at all three on eBay right now, no one is bothering to list it since it's hard to get anything for it, there are different sold and failed-to-sell CIC copies at $10 and sealed MIB copies go for as much as $40. So if the store had a played condition CIB copy with a worn cardboard box, he should have been asking $15.
That CIC copy which failed to sell at $10 was originally listed at $50... then $25... then $10... then "why bother" and was returned to the store shelf. Perhaps the very store which Ninja visited. I'm guessing that he offered him the mid-range of what that copy failed to sell at all for.