This f*cker seems to be buying up Diskcounters games and flipping them to the extreme. $30 sealed sidearms on amazon = $150 sealed sidearms on:
Well, guess that's the end of it being a secret. Probably some f*cking lurker on here. God damn it.
I ordered from Diskounters years ago. He gave me a few good deals one a few things he dug up from his basement. A good guy. He told me about how years ago he had HuCard sleeves made, for the Turbo List, but I wasn't around on the Turbo List until the end of it, since during the late 90's- early 00s I didn't touch the Turbo grafx much. After the list shut down, I lurked here, then tried to register a few times, then... anyway!
From what I understand, the guy running Diskounters was personally into the TG-16 until the early 00s, then not so much.
I'm surprised he still has some of these TG-16 games ins tock.