hey hey, check this one out...
Shit, cant find the link right now...
WELL anyway, theres apparently a guy in my town (Athens, GA.) that has a craigslist post up with some random SNES boxed titles, some loose NES stuff, and an unteseted naked TG16 with NOTHING. Just to give you guys a taste of how bad it is, this guys has a 100$ price quote for StreetFighter 2 CIB SNES... Well apparently his normal-looking TG16 was some wierd promo/exclusive or something since he claims it never was sold here in the states, and therefore is worth 150$ with no cables, no controllers, and no gaurantee that it even works... maybe i can't find the listing because I flagged it when I saw it last nite 8D
Ok, so maybe this isnt definition "gouging" because it kinda seems like the dude just has no idea what a TG16 is OR how the hell to use google... maybe just sheer stupidity?