I recently discovered The Wayback Machine and the first thing I looked up was TZD.It loads really slow but they have pages going back to 96' (although not much, it really picks up a few years later).If anyone has the patience, I bet Working Designs could also be found.http://www.archive.org/web/web.php
Nice work collecting those stats, henrycsc.I think Radio Shack got their stock through TZD and I remember Neutopia II was indeed gone by Summer '97. Now what I want to know is who the heck had the motivation and hard drive space to go around archiving this stuff in 1996. This was years before Google's cached feature and gigabytes of disk space were really expensive.
TZD used to send out flyers with their orders that included price lists as well as the one on their site. I still have some of them.
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on August 10, 2010, 12:36:45 AMTZD used to send out flyers with their orders that included price lists as well as the one on their site. I still have some of them.The one of the first one of these I ever recieved was way back in '94. It had Dracula X for 80 bucks.... it was just plain with price listings on it. It has some art but no in game images or anything of that nature.... I surely recieved atleast one before that one, ah hell maybe it was after.... not sure. It was a long time ago hehe
I wonder how many people would have jumped on the "3 for $49.99" deal for Bonk 3, Bonk 3 CD and SAZ if they'd known what would happen to prices for those games down the road.I actually remember that deal, but I didn't buy into it at the time because I already had all 3 Bonks and Air Zonk on cart.