Blue - I can't agree more. I have started that new quest!
I beat Tenchi o Waruo in one shot the other day - I love that game. Was attempting to do the same with Double Dragon 2 last night but I got my ass kicked... I wish that game has a save feature.
Started playing Go-Go Birdie Chance today. Great game. I was just playing the solo-golfing mode and found it amazingly fun and relaxing.. Glad I picked it up when I had the chance.
And also thought about beating R-Type but am too spent today to attempt that... (weather was 41 C today at Shanghai... yet my wife's Japanese wife-club dragged all us hubbies/friends and had a BBQ at the hottest damn day. I think I got heatstroke ).
Playing and beating every PCE/Turbo game is how to beat the depression. Counter your accomplishment with an uber-accomplishment!
Roy - yes, I really need to visit SF soon or my buddie will likely toss out all those packages he is kindly holding for me
Hi Tokei. Those were doubles, so my collection wasn't affected. The Turbo collection is still growing, I'll have 6 more games in the collection next week. It's tough trying to focus on one system, there are still so many good games to pick up for the Dreamcast, Master System, Nintendo 64, etc. I enjoy all of my consoles and obtaining the games is a hobby that will keep me occupied for many years. You probably have a ton of goodies waiting for you in SF, don't you?