I got my PCE+CD unit today (shipping only took like three days!)! It rules so much, but unfortunately it IS the buttered popcorn colored one (same one in pic). However the only part that is yellow is the top, so I can easily remove the CD lid and bleach that for awhile. The only part that will be yellow is the part with the buttons, but maybe I could find a way to clean that too later.
So when I do this bleach, I just take off the lid, apply a little petrolium jelly to the labels (just incase they wash out) and just throw the lid in a bucket a bleach and leave it there for a day? Also my PCE is quite dirty, but I plan on selling it and using the money to buy a complete PCE system off Japan Game Stock, but I will probably bleach this system too sometime.
When I first tried playing it, I couldn't get it to work. I didn't know you had to move that little lock thing on the interface unit to the right in order to work. I was getting pissed that it wasn't working right until my brother messed with it on his first try and got it to work, heh.
This is my favorite video game console hook up of all time
. Now I am just waiting for my Avenue 6 + Street Fighter II' and Bomberman '94 to come in the mail. I'll hopefully be buying a standard PCE pad off this woman online along with a game maybe.