Hey, I remember you...sorta. Glad to see another member who loves like Neo Geo Pocket like I do.
As for the book idea, now that its all said and done, and the Turbo/PCE/NEC has given us all it will ever give us, and all regions are basically the same (ie: the eBay region) it seems more apparent to me than ever that the US version of the PC Engine, the "Turbografx 16" as it was known, was really just a bizarre speed bump in the grand scheme of PC Engine-dom. The fact that there ever was a localized PC Engine was...a fluke, nothing more. While a lot of people consider PCE stuff "foreign" or something "out there" the reality is, in the grand scheme of things, the US stuff is the anomaly, not the the way around.
Therefore I think the idea of a book that gives us in depth criticism of Camp California and Darkwing Duck, but completely ignores Dracula X, Street Fighter II', Sapphire, Bomberman '94, etc etc just because the boneheads that ran NEC/TTI couldn't make it work, is also a bit randomly myopic.
Of course the crap US library is just what makes such a book possible. Reviewing every PCE game would be extremely hard to do. Also, kind of pointless, since there at least 100 PCE games that don't really deserve any kind of comment.
So...knock yourself out, I guess, but it seems like a fractured subject matter that ignores 3/4 of the total PCE scene.