In addition to what is on PCEDAI, I would add that there are also a couple other things available:
Insanity SCD ABPCE00 Aetherbyte (This is a homebrew game, but so are a couple others in the list)
There are also tons of Japanese audio CDs not listed, but there are only 3 US ones that I am aware of
CD+G Sampler Audio WNM PRO 15027 (This was packed in with some of the Turbo Grafx CD systems)
Hudson's CD Game Music Collection Audio HCD2010T (This was a promo item that Turbo Technologies Inc. and Turbo Zone Direct distributed, 2nd edition without any paperwork is still available)
Camp California Where The Music Never Ends Audio LK 53944 (This was a retail CD companion to the Camp California SCD game, still commonly available)
Insanity Soundtrack Audio No # (This is an audio CD companion to Insanity, for availability check with Arkhan
I personally consider these as important as several of the items currently listed on PCEDAI and hope they eventually get added to the database.