Author Topic: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video  (Read 1819 times)


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Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« on: September 05, 2010, 03:44:45 PM »
OK all, I've decided to make a top 10 (and maybe an 11 - 20) of the "best" TG/PCE HuCard chiptunes. 10 minute video, 1 minute for each track I select, and some info on the game, stills, and some in-game footage for each game.

What are your favorite chiptunes and why? Is it because it's complex or technically impressive, because it uses great samples and instruments, or simply because it's a great tune/composition?

I may need help getting some interesting gameplay footage to accompany the tracks.

I only have a few games for my core, so I'm going to be relying on HES files for the audio. NEZplug+ via WinAMP sounds great and makes it REALLY easy to get this stuff to WAV format, except that the noise channel seems a little exaggerated. Is there a better HES player I could use or some way to "fix" the louder/more obvious noise channel issue in NEXplug+?

Some of my contenders so far (just listing games since it's hard to identify tracks by title or anything):

Parasol Stars - a couple excellent, upbeat compositions.
Dungeon Explorer - a couple nice compositions with some spooky/atmospheric instrumentation
Batman - good sampling with the music
Parodius Da - good use of PSG instrumentation
PC Denjin - good sampling and instrumentation
Magical Chase - last level track is FANTASTIC, one of my faves of all time, both for composition and instrumentation
Devil's Crush - composition
Coryoon - sampling and instrumentation
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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2010, 04:23:56 PM »
I can't help with the tech stuff, but here's some greats off the top of my head:

Alien/Devil's Crush
Air Zonk

I will edit more in later.
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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2010, 05:15:12 PM »
Shockman/Shubibinman 2 is probably my favorite, it's very well done.  I also love most of Impossamole soundtrack, though not all agree on that one.  Legendary Axe 2 has some great epic sounding music, same music engine that was used for Dungeon Explorer, Bonk 1 & 2, Twin Cobra, & a couple others I believe.


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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2010, 05:51:43 PM »
Some of my favs:

Kyukyoku Tiger
PC Denjin
Magical Chase
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 04:14:46 AM by Tatsujin »
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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2010, 03:14:03 AM »
I'll (re)post my favourite Chiptunes:

Aldynes (a few of the songs)
Ankoku Densetsu / Legendary Axe II <-- in fact the best HuCard soundtrack of all.
Aoi Blink
Devil Crash/Crush
Dungeon Explorer
Maniac Pro Wrestling
Mesopotamia / Somer Assault
Neutopia I & II
PC Genjin / Bonk series (several good songs)
Soldier Blade
Super Star Soldier
The Kung-Fu / Chinawarrior

Legend of Xanadu II
Puyo Puyo CD


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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2010, 04:30:09 AM »
jackie chan & final soldier :)
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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2010, 06:31:17 AM »
I've used a few of my favourites in my Game Blast video, if you want to know what any of them are, just ask.
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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2010, 07:54:20 AM »
Bonk 3 HuCard - Level 6-3 track
Air Zonk - Title screen track
Dungeon Explorer - Level 11 track
Batman - That, uh, one track

You WILL include all these tracks or I will boycott your video. There is simply no contest for these when it comes to HuCard soundtracks.

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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2010, 08:24:36 AM »
Son Son II
Metal Stoker
Time Cruise/Time Cruise II
1943 Kai
Dead Moon
Detana! Twinbee
Soldier Blade
City Hunter
Ninja spirit

« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 08:32:42 AM by Ninja Spirit »


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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2010, 03:24:19 PM »
So, no advice on the best way to play the HES files, eh? I know Ootake will play them, but that makes it harder to catch the audio in a WAV file. They do sound different than when played with NEZplug via WinAMP, a little more subdued. I think it does some filtering though. Seriously though, all NEZplug needs is the noise channel ratcheted down in volume a little. Mednafen plays HES files, right?
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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2010, 03:50:28 PM »
Winamp: Options->Preferences->Output->Disk Writer. Whatever would normally come out of the speakers goes to disk....


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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2010, 06:21:18 PM »
My favorites so far:

Image Fight - Stage 3: A high-energy tune from a great game.
Super Star Soldier - Stage 8 and Final boss: The final stage track is a fantastic payoff... all the trouble of getting through the game earns you a final stage with awesome music. The final boss has awesome music as well!
R-type - Stage 1, Stage 2: Stage 2 is my favorite of the two, but the first track is cool as well. Stage 2's theme fits the stage perfectly and sounds phenomenal.
Keith Courage - Overworld: The overworld theme has a richness to it that can't be duplicated on the NES.
Blazing Lazers - Stage 5 (desert), Stage 8 (bubbles): Both of these tunes feature very cool bass beats.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 06:25:38 PM by rag-time4 »


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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2010, 08:57:27 PM »
Level 1 of Aldynes
Parasol Stars level music
Stage 4 of Super Star Soldier
The town music in Fray CD
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2010, 10:47:08 PM »
In regards to nezplug, there is an "unofficial" version that is still updated by another person that goes by the name nezplug++.

The thing about nezplug++ is that with every update, it seems to improve one systems emulation and screw up anothers. Overall though it's definately making the most progress for several of the chiptunes it plays. Check out various old versions, most updates are spot on for ~90% of the hes files I'd say.   

Correct me if I'm wrong, but .hes files work just fine in any pce emu that flat out didn't suck, ie any that could load at least one commercial game. Button I and II would change "tracks" by jumping to addresses in the rom. I haven't gone that route often, but just renaming the extension from .hes to .pce was usually enough to get them working.

If you are going the emulator route, it's only worth it for the few hes files that are broken in all the .hes music players, otherwise setting up some hardware to capture the audio straight from the hardware is about the same amount of hassle. 

I only went this route for games that use ADPCM, and the few that just plain didn't work for the longest in any plugin based player, or if they did, they were constantly being broken after a short update of being fixed. Final Lap Twin is one that comes to mind. After nezplug++ implemented ADPCM I have never messed with emulators to play .hes files since.

Speaking of Final Lap Twin, I still hum the one tune that plays during the practice tracks (iirc) in the rpg mode  sometimes when I am driving.  :oops:

Xanadu I and II have some of the best tracks period, and so many overall. Granted they don't represent some of the other feels and styles of many other excellent games' tracks, but Xanadu I had maybe 2 total redbook audio tracks and something like 60 EXCELLENT all around psg tracks. Xanadu II had less psg tracks, but still same top notch quality that falcom is known for.

I also recommend Bloody wolf, if it hasn't already been mentioned, it has some great action packed music fitting to the game overall. It also has a bit of variety in the music, and while I don't like some of the tracks as well, I think they fit their respective stages overall. The jungle stage's music is one that comes to mind. They also made good use of stereo, but only on the title screen. Blew me away as a kid, that and the game plays the sound something like 80% louder than any other I can remember.

The one dungeon explorer and a lot of others used sound very similar, you could even take the music from a lot and shuffle them around and no one would notice. Also Neutopia I and II and a ton of others (majority of hucards period) seem to be using the standard dev kit engine for sound, not that a lot didn't sound great. Definately a top 10 will be hard to narrow down, but for sure it needs to represent all the different kinds of awesome on the pce.

A lot on this list are certainly tastes of smaller groups, and if you took ParanoiaDragon's suggestion for Impossimole, I do believe you'd have a mob of angry pce/tg 16 fans show up to your door. Just run by your list before you set on it, if there's any dissention, believe me you'll know if something doesn't belong.


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Re: Favorite chiptunes and HES help - preparation for YouTube video
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2010, 06:38:18 AM »
Winamp: Options->Preferences->Output->Disk Writer. Whatever would normally come out of the speakers goes to disk....

Yeah, I know that. I don't know how I'll get audio to disk if I decide NOT to use WinAMP with NEZplug.
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