Author Topic: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*  (Read 1918 times)


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2010, 06:49:11 PM »
Wow....i sure missed alot here!  I'm relatively new here still so i might not understand the situation enough to really comment.  I'm usually the mediator type, so all i can say is i can see where both sides are coming from.

BUT if it was myself and was trying to contribute to the community, I probably would sell it here quite a bit cheaper to really "earn some luv" in the community (say $200-$300).  I'll be honest, i also have a wickedly nice copy of DH and a bunch of other late release DUO games as well, but I know it'll fetch better on Ebay because that's the market that Ebay is. It's for auctioning and selling it to highest bidder. So what most of the gang here is saying, is for your bang for the buck, throw it up on Ebay and you'll probably do better then selling it here  :dance:

BUT also, speaking as a bigtime comic book collector, I also would like to see my rare issues being labelled with some nice valuable prices as well! I mean, when WitchBlade #1 was selling at $45 bucks, i was frigging happy cause i snatched that baby up when it was cover price brand new! So it's really hard to say what's outright wrong and outright correct here in the world of collectibles. Just my opinion.  :-k


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2010, 08:44:32 PM »
I like to think of Zeta as a Qur'an burner.

Gee. That's...awesome. Thanks. Thanks for lumping me in with the most antagonistic fundamentalist willfully ignorant and lethal filth in America. Do you have any other completely unmerited insult you want to lay on me? How about saying I'm basically a child rapist, but you defend my right to rape children because, you know, its a free country.


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2010, 02:40:02 AM »
The bottom line here is there is the eBay market (Overpriced, messed up by gougers and big spending dipshits).......

and then theres the real PCE market (us)
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2010, 04:39:55 AM »
I'm not sure if its that clear. I buy games on eBay all the time for great prices. Granted, I never buy US games, only PC Engine...


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #49 on: September 09, 2010, 04:43:30 AM »
If one is patient, good deals can be had for both TG-16 and PCE on eBay.
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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #50 on: September 09, 2010, 05:27:49 AM »
I concur Ebay is very good to find what your looking for. Unfortunately, its also a place to gouge and sell dirty and dusty things. At the end of the day every thing has a price. Some willing to pay more than what something is worth just to finally add it to their collection.
Changing the subject Does anyone here got a cheap Dynastic hero for sale? lol Kidding I'm not trying to start no shit!


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #51 on: September 09, 2010, 10:02:28 AM »
I concur Ebay is very good to find what your looking for. Unfortunately, its also a place to gouge and sell dirty and dusty things. At the end of the day every thing has a price. Some willing to pay more than what something is worth just to finally add it to their collection.
Changing the subject Does anyone here got a cheap Dynastic hero for sale? lol Kidding I'm not trying to start no shit!

I've used ebay a few times over the years and bought and sold a few things.  On other retro sites I hear the same things as I do here about how people kinda hate ebay and that there is price gouging going on.  I guess I don't really understand how people can price gouge on eBay though. I mean if there is something on eBay that I want and I bid $500 on it, how did the seller gouge me? I'm the one that offered $500.

At the same time I understand the difference of putting something on eBay for the world to make offers on as opposed to coming here and just letting somebody here have a game for just shipping because we are friends and a community of hobbyists.

Seems like if someone posts here asking $500 for a game though it's not big deal.  If you think it is $400 over priced, either ignore the post, offer some friendly advice saying something like "I'm not interested in this game, but just thought I'd let you know a more realistic price is closer to $100", or give them a serious offer "I know you asking $500 and I don't want to offend you buy I think the actual price is closer to $100 which I would be willing to offer."   


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2010, 12:59:51 PM »
Please understand before you start flaming me. I do not Buy from EBay; I'm neither for it nor against it. With that said....

You gouge on EBay by putting an item up for an extravagant price. If it doesn't sell, you re-list it for an even higher price. Pretty soon, all of your re-lists (that still haven't sold) become the 'normal' price for an item. So then, you can sell it for more than the original listing, but less than the current one and people think it's a good deal....After all, there was one listed for more than what you asked for, right?

You can also have fun by getting a buddy to bid for you. He offers just a bit more than any sane person would, so people will think it's a good price - And he buys it from you (with great feedback) with your own money. (Hey, you gotta pay the fees anyway). Now you can list it again, and when people ask for a reasonable price, you can point out that it sold for about what you want not that long ago, so if they really want it....

There are always going to be people who get caught up in the auction part of it, too. People who know better, but can't stand to be outbid. Even if it's by your friends, trying to get more than an item is worth.

Mind you, E-Bay has a place. It's just not where I would actually buy anything.

And, btw, e-bay prices are *not* normal prices for things. Auction means 'get the most you can', so anyone saying that's what it sold for should think about it. Just because someone pays $1 Billion for a painting at auction doesn't mean it's worth it to everyone. And paintings are unique, one of a kind objects, not 1 of 100,000 released video games.


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2010, 01:01:52 PM »

I've used ebay a few times over the years and bought and sold a few things.  On other retro sites I hear the same things as I do here about how people kinda hate ebay and that there is price gouging going on.  I guess I don't really understand how people can price gouge on eBay though. I mean if there is something on eBay that I want and I bid $500 on it, how did the seller gouge me? I'm the one that offered $500.

The thing is-- [most] of the people that pay the ridiculous prices on eBay are strictly collectors. Money is no object for them, their only goal is to complete their collection, at whatever the cost. What we have here (and other console-specific forums) are actual gamers. People who, you know, actually play the games. It's an entirely different market. Games are bought and sold in the "gamer market" often times at hundreds of dollars less than what is being tossed around on eBay.

So when these people show up out of the blue trying to peddle their wares in the "gamer market" at "eBay market" prices, everyone gets upset. It really is not all that complicated.

You might be wondering how there came to be such a huge divergence between the "gamer market" and "eBay market" for US Turbo stuff. It can almost all be attributed to a select group of individuals over the past two years, some of whom are members on this forum, who decided after TZD went under that US Turbo stuff was somehow "rare" (probably due, at least in part, to the fact that the 15-year-old official outlet for new, sealed Turbo gear closed its doors). Aided by eBay sellers who helped artificially inflate the market by leaving ridiculously priced Turbo goods up for sale sometimes for YEARS on end (remember the $100 loose Air Zonk and Samurai Ghost carts?), these people, to the horror of the Turbo gaming community, successfully made the eBay Turbo market all but useless to the gamer.

So when it looks like people here are just "dumping on the new guy," you have to understand, there is a reason. I don't think anyone here on these forums, aforementioned individuals aside, is willing to pay "eBay market" prices for US Turbo stuff. If, as a seller, all you're interested is top dollar then take your stuff straight to eBay and don't even bother with us. We'll continue just fine without you, and continue to buy, sell and trade amongst ourselves at far more reasonable rates.

Those of us who do still use eBay occasionally wait for the SimpleSimon's who come along every year or so and dump lots of sealed Turbo goods into the market at extremely reasonable prices (read: nothing over $20).
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 01:04:46 PM by nat »


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #54 on: September 10, 2010, 06:08:53 AM »
Sadly Nat that sentiment holds true. The problem is how collectors treat each other. Some guys have given me amazing deals on games, while others, (who I know paid the original sticker price) want to beat me upside the head with a mark up. There were times I had to back out of a deal because I thought the seller wanted too much money or they wanted me to cough up several other games for one title. Everyone wants compensation, but some want to maximize their profits. I don't like it when they do it, but that doesn't make me want to cuss they @$$ out either. Its not exactly inviting to "casual readers" passing through and reading posts saying: "go f themselves among other expletives. I know most of us are old dogs on these forums, but what if there are kids reading this stuff? It would make us look bad.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 06:20:19 AM by exile »


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2010, 06:40:19 AM »
I know most of us are old dogs on these forums, but what if there are kids reading this stuff? It would make us look bad.

Are you f*cking kidding me?!?  This ain't a Hannah Montana forum or Pokémon World, so nobody should have an expectation of this being a G rated site.
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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2010, 06:47:48 AM »
Here we go again..........


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #57 on: September 10, 2010, 06:51:46 AM »
Here we go again..........

Where we goin'?
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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #58 on: September 10, 2010, 07:59:10 AM »
I know people give zeta shit all the time, but I have to agree 100% with him.  No offense to Shinobiman, because I saw his thread over on DigitPress a while ago and they were encouraging him that he will get the $500 for the game.

But...  If there were not 'angry, on their high horses, holy than thou' attitude, the market might be just as horrible as it is on ebay on these and other forums.  People like zeta have the balls to say 'f*ck you and your rediculous prices and take them to ebay or shove em up your ass'.  Again, no offense Shinobiman, as you were told to come over here and try to sell it.

I know exile is sticking up for him and I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but there have been a ton of people that come to these forums because they think they can sell their OMG uber rare copy of Keith Courage for $20.  It is kind of insulting.  I may not have been around since the beginning of time like some of you have, but that does not make me any less of a TG fan.

Another douche trying to obtain a full Turbo collection.  119/146 so far.  Got a long way to go. Half way there. Hit the 100 mark. ich bein ein obeyer


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Re: FS: The Dynastic Hero (COMPLETE MINT CONDITION) for Turbo Duo *USA Release*
« Reply #59 on: September 10, 2010, 08:01:48 AM »
Sadly Nat that sentiment holds true. The problem is how collectors treat each other. Some guys have given me amazing deals on games, while others, (who I know paid the original sticker price) want to beat me upside the head with a mark up. There were times I had to back out of a deal because I thought the seller wanted too much money or they wanted me to cough up several other games for one title. Everyone wants compensation, but some want to maximize their profits. I don't like it when they do it, but that doesn't make me want to cuss they @$$ out either. Its not exactly inviting to "casual readers" passing through and reading posts saying: "go f themselves among other expletives. I know most of us are old dogs on these forums, but what if there are kids reading this stuff? It would make us look bad.

Collectors sometimes act pretty elitist, like this is some kinda country club.  It's retarded.  In all honesty, the collectors that don't play stuff are pretty useless as a whole. They're not actively keeping the system alive or making forums an interesting place.   They're just dickin' off and ruining it for the people that still want to turn the system on and play it.

if you took those people away, it would improve things. ;)

and if you're 13+ (age for the forum, right?) and haven't heard "go f*ck yourself", you need to crawl out from under your sheltered rock and introduce yourself to life.

also we're not babysitters.  If a kid is on here reading OMGDIRTYWORDS, thats his problem, and more importantly, his parents problem.   Watch what little timmy is doing on the internets or something. 

I know people give zeta shit all the time, but I have to agree 100% with him.  No offense to Shinobiman, because I saw his thread over on DigitPress a while ago and they were encouraging him that he will get the $500 for the game.

there it is, full reasons why I said what I said about digitpress.  If the people at digitpiss knew anything about the turbob, they'd be posting here instead.

theres always going to be those people who think just because its "retro", they're automagically informed, and chock full o' made up bullshit that they've convinced themselves is legit.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 08:04:26 AM by Arkhan »
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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