I think there are a lot of good responses and interesting thoughts.
I guess where I come from there are 2 ways we buy stuff and 2 ways we sell stuff.
If I'm buying something, I pay what it is worth to me. Simple. There is the 2nd case where maybe I want to help out a neighbor and or charity and I would pay over the price, but that is more like a donation.
If I sell something I want to get the most money out of it I can. If two strangers are standing there and one offers me $500 for my TV and the other offers $200. Guess who's getting it?

There is the 2nd case where I sell something super cheap to a friend or in this case a community member or somebody down on their luck because it's the right thing to do to help another person out. But this is a video game we are talking about. Not something one needs to survive and live or to help their family survive.