Author Topic: Mysterious Song translations  (Read 173 times)


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Mysterious Song translations
« on: July 26, 2005, 01:54:45 AM »
Since the only thing left to add to the game is the final artwork and the translations, it's time for...well, the translations! :) The current plan is to have MS playable in English, Spanish, and French. We need script translators as well as at least one proofreader per language. My wife and I will likely do Spanish proofreading but we don't have the time to do the translation; I know there are some Spanish-speaking people out there, and there's certainly no shortage of French speakers. :D

A word of warning: as with the cutscene auditions, taking this opportunity up blows the whole game for those exposed to the script, so if you don't want the game spoiled for you, don't volunteer. :)

Anyone up for it? The script isn't huge...not sure of the exact size because it's not all in a textfile yet but it shouldn't be any more than 40k or so when finished. The original scripting took 93.6k but it was full of whitespace and command tags plus quite a few duplicate text entries. I'll have the entire script ready for translation in a couple of days.