Author Topic: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??  (Read 3475 times)


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Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
« Reply #120 on: June 29, 2011, 02:34:04 AM »
This is a fun thread!

I got a TG16 off a friend with some games in early '90 [he was getting into Genesis at the time and was over his TG16 already]. Saved up and got the CD add-on very shortly thereafter.

Preordered a Sys 3.0 card and Gate of Thunder....sold my hardware to Retrogames back in the day...bought a Duo.

Never looked back. Never stopped playing it. It's crazy when I think about it. I have most of the games I bought back in '90 too. Some got traded away long ago [ game trading forums on Prodigy. hahah]

Good times...

Sleepy Gnome

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Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
« Reply #121 on: June 29, 2011, 10:48:53 AM »
2011 for me. Im only a few decades late.


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Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
« Reply #122 on: June 29, 2011, 01:33:33 PM »
I don't have exact dates only fuzzy memories, but I got my TG16 around 1990, about a year after it had been on the market. I was 10 years old at the time and I remember getting the Keith Courage pack-in and the promotion where you can send away for 2 free games. I remember the day I got Bonk's Adventure and Vigilante in the mail I was so excited. I didn't have the system for too long and I may have had between 6-10 games by the time I sold it to buy a SNES, but the system made an impression on me and I always had fond memories of it.

About 10 years ago I decided to pick it up once again and discovered TZD. I got a new Duo along with a bunch of chip and CD games which TZD still had available and I filled out some of the rest on Ebay bitd before it went to hell. I put the Duo away for awhile as life issues sucked pretty much all of my spare time, but I've recently dusted off my Duo and have started devoting some time to it. I'm currently working towards a complete US collection and am about halfway there.


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Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
« Reply #123 on: June 29, 2011, 01:48:17 PM »
1990 when I saved up enough lawn mowing money to buy one along with Bonk's Adventure.  It came with Keith Courage and I played the hell out of it, and I picked up Ninja Spirit and Legendary Axe soon after that.  Bonk's Adventure and Pac-Land rounded up my library back then, though I played a bunch of other Turbo Chips and CDs at a friend's house, including Splatterhouse, Shadow of the Beast, Bomberman, Fighting Street and a bunch of others. 

I was Turbo-less from late 1992 until 2006 when I picked up a PCE Duo, which promptly had the laser die after I tried a Dracula X CDR in it.  I shipped it back to Japan for roughly $50 and got a replacement, which also worked with production games.  After the limited warranty period was up I tried another Dracula X CDR and it died immediately.  At which point I shipped my broken DUO (after extensive testing to see if I could repair it) to a fellow who traded it for parts for my region modded DUO/R.  Total cost for getting back into Turbo/PCE/DUO gaming, $400 for hardware alone.  Oh yeah.


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Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
« Reply #124 on: July 03, 2011, 04:43:06 AM »
damn, i never had the laser puke out on me like what you went through... sounds terrible.  I barely have time to lie back and enjoy my PCE/TG in 2011 due to work, but my fondest memory was my mom totally spoiling me with the TG-16 CD add on (for freaking $399 or was it $499?? before they dropped the price?)  I got Sherlock Holmes just to show off to my friends the real time video.  then picked up Magicoal Dinosaur tour, Valis 2 and Ys 1&2.  Then I discovered the CD wasn't region locked and I had my mom bring back some games when she went back to visit family in Taiwan.  She brought back from a few differnet trips the following:  Ranma 1/2 #2 (the bride comic), a sangokushi (based on Japan's shogun history of 直田信长), followed by Gate of Thunder, Ranma 1/2 #3, Sangokushi (based on the Chinese history).  I played the hell out of each & beat each multiple times.  20 years later, I still play the chinese-history based Shin Sangokushi in my game room/man cave to relax and get away from it all. 
The 1990s rock and TG /PCE was a primary reason for it !!  :)

1990 when I saved up enough lawn mowing money to buy one along with Bonk's Adventure.  It came with Keith Courage and I played the hell out of it, and I picked up Ninja Spirit and Legendary Axe soon after that.  Bonk's Adventure and Pac-Land rounded up my library back then, though I played a bunch of other Turbo Chips and CDs at a friend's house, including Splatterhouse, Shadow of the Beast, Bomberman, Fighting Street and a bunch of others. 

I was Turbo-less from late 1992 until 2006 when I picked up a PCE Duo, which promptly had the laser die after I tried a Dracula X CDR in it.  I shipped it back to Japan for roughly $50 and got a replacement, which also worked with production games.  After the limited warranty period was up I tried another Dracula X CDR and it died immediately.  At which point I shipped my broken DUO (after extensive testing to see if I could repair it) to a fellow who traded it for parts for my region modded DUO/R.  Total cost for getting back into Turbo/PCE/DUO gaming, $400 for hardware alone.  Oh yeah.


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Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
« Reply #125 on: July 03, 2011, 11:45:48 AM »
Yeah, apparently I'm just extremely unlucky (or Hit Japan was selling flaky DUOs).  I agree, the 90s were the best decade for gaming for me and the Turbo/PCE/DUO is a significant reason for that.  I will be collecting games for it that I want to play for quite some time.