I agree that time is much more than money. I wasted my entire summer working 12 hours days, as many as 16 days in a row, because I was on layoff and needed the money. The contract eventually expired, and I'm now back to my good job working 40 hours a week (some would consider 40 a lot, but in the US is pretty average), 15 minutes from home, good benefits, and the pay is the same as working 53 hours at the other job.
I passed up a lot of stuff for this stupid crappy job that almost melted my face off on multiple instances...but what's insane is that there are people there, in the same building, who have been doing it for 20 years solid. TWENTY f*ckING YEARS. Its impossible to even comprehend. I couldn't even manage to keep my grass cut and my clothes washed and these dudes have spend almost half their life in this state. Its really tragic.
As for the Wall Street thing...that's even worse. I'd rather be dead than be one of those a$$holes.