I think Res 4 is one of the most awesome games recently.
But off coursse, if this was everyone on the planet's cup of tea, life would be boring.
Does anyone here on the forum like Zelda or Metroid Prime?
Just trying to see if someone's here with the same tastes as mine.
For some the combat may suck in res 4 and i admit a slow sidestep should be possible but running around shooting stuff in open area's as you see in hollywood flicks is even more unrealistic and would make the game to easy and take away the tension if your attackers only carry a three-pronged fork.
The developers of res 4 aren't stupid and know if you take away one problem (not running while shooting) will create a bigger problem.
It isn't that easy you know, you should take a moment and think about that.
In Halo or Metroid you can run around while shooting wich is good and believeable as you play someone supernatural, a one man army, and the enemies attack more wich would be to difficult if you were standing still.
What i really hate is Metal Gear Solid 3 with it's restrained wayward camerera's and the rely on sensors to scan your suroundings.
I mean you can't see where your going and get dedected all the time.
I don't understand how people put up with it.
It must be the story and cinematics i think.