Well, there's more, but, I narrowed them down, however, I'll narrow them down some more:
Cosmic Fantasy
Cosmic Fantasy 3
Cosmic Fantasy 4 part 1
Cosmic Fantasy 4 part 2
Tenshi no Uta
Tenshi no Uta 2
Arunam no Kiba/Fang of Alnam
Anearth Fantasy Stories
Auleria(I don't think this one has a HUGE amount of text)
Brandish(very little amount of text)
Sorcerian(seems like it has alot of text, at the least, it is hard to figure out how to set up the right party for each scenario)
Popful Mail(this one is probably mild on text)
Legend of Heroes 2
Burai 2
Sol Moonarge
Efera & Jiliora
Sword Master
Emeral Dragon(someone may be already working on this?)
Fray CD Xak Gaiden(mild amount of text I would guess)
Gotzendeiner(this one has very low amount of text)
Guliver Boy
KO Century Beast
La Valeur
Monster Maker
Moonlight Lady
Neo Metal Fantasy
Record of Lodoss War
Record of Lodoss War 2
River City Ransom
Star Breaker
Startling Odyssey