Sapphire lose:
Playing 4:3 games in a 16:9 aspect ratio is.... ridiculous.
Dang...beat me to it.
Me, too.
I guess I should mention... that duo's connected via composite! 
So 16:9 + Composite means double fail 
BLUE! greatwork. I woulda just wussed out and got a convertor to go with the Arcade card.. props to you for making that region mod! the DUO with the switch looks awesome. Enjoy Sapphire. It's a game that needs to be played a few times to be fully appreciated. I speak from experience as I sold a CIB minty sexy one last year after buying it from Tokyo since I didn't really dive into it, I wasn't really impressed and decided against paying $300 for collectibility only. I bought it again this April and man I saw the light and it is one of my most treasured games now.
I've been away for too long .... gotta get my stuff in order so I can comeback regularly.. argh. moving to Singapore very soon likely ! hopefully they will have more PCE/gaming shops there compared to Commie-land (Shanghai)..