DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to swap any game not listed for my honorable mentions.
OK, just to make this a little easier, my first attempt limits hucards to games that also came out on the TG16.
Dragon's Curse/Adventure Island
Air Zonk
Bomberman 93
Soldier Blade
Blazing Lazers/Gunhed
Moto Roader
Aero Blasters
Parasol Stars
Somer Assault/Mesopotamia
Yikes, is that 10 already? Damn!
CDs (Since there were so few of these in the US, I'll expand to PCE)
Dracula X
Gate of Thunder
Color Wars
Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 3
Star Parodier
Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
Splash Lake
Lords of Thunder/Winds of Thunder
Serei Senshi Spriggan
R-TYPE Complete
And to illustrade Nectarsis' comment about US exclusives, here's the list (I think it's complete):
Addams Family
Battle Royale
Beyond Shadowgate (Probably the best US only CD game)
Bonk 3: Bonk's Big Adventure SCD
Camp California
Champions Forever Boxing
Darkwing Duck
Ghost Manor
It Came From the Desert
John Madden Duo CD Football
Night Creatures
Order of the Griffon (Probably the best US only Turbochip)
Yo Bro