Voltron, Robotech (although I prefer original Macross nowday), G1 Transformers, many more shows, and so many toys that bought the government's wrath claiming the TV series were really 30 minutes commercial for toys. And the classic LEGO Space sets (the original blue and gray, like Benny's Spaceship)
Oh yeah movies like Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, 2 of the Star Wars, Wrath of Khan, Last Starfighter, Neverending Story (which sadly has ended after about 110 minutes) and too many others.
There's also the obilgatory Saturday morning cartoons, the only time in a week that was worth getting up before noon.
(cable, satellite, and a number of 24-hours cartoon channels killed Saturday morning concept)
VCR was godsend when my family got it because it meant I can catch shows that aired before I could get off school bus.
My little brother and I RP'd Thundercats quite often.