So when you sell your copy 2 years from now to someone and let them know that it's a copied manual, how the hell does sparky control who YOU sell it to. It WILL happen, no matter what you say...Even if Sparky numbers every manual and keeps track of who he sells it to.
I'm not saying that anyone who buys directly from Sparky will screw somebody - you guys probably wont. But if Sparky thinks that everyone who buys one of his manuals will never sell to someone else, I think he's wrong. It's that 2nd or 3rd tier buyer that Sparky has no control over even if the copies are numbered.
In my eyes, what you're proposing is a bootleg, plain and simple. Sparky, if you decide to sell these, I would like to get a copy of every manual you produce so I can document what is a boot and what is legit, though I would really rather not have to do it.