Author Topic: Home Grown Game Inserts??  (Read 3519 times)


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Re: Home Grown manual Inserts??
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2010, 04:16:16 AM »
Anybody in possesion of these will know that they are not the real thing. Watermarked pages or special borders aren't necessary. The disclaimer at the bottom should suffice, not to mention the lack of pages within. The seller assumes full responsibilty for the listing of the game regardless whether or not they accept returns.. All a buyer has to do is ask the seller before buying if it's the original manual. Besides, Sparky won't be selling these to everybody. He will use discretion to choose who to sell too. Ponying up $$$ on ebay just to get the original manual is flat out ridiculous for a couple of games, particularly Magical Chase.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 04:34:17 AM by chany60126 »
SignofZeta: What a quintessentially PCEFX thread. Someone complains about nothing, multiple Bible-length posts discussing who's a bigger a$$hole follow. You're both pretty big a$$holes. Let's call it a tie.


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Re: Home Grown manual Inserts??
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2010, 04:43:27 AM »
So when you sell your copy 2 years from now to someone and let them know that it's a copied manual, how the hell does sparky control who YOU sell it to.  It WILL happen, no matter what you say...Even if Sparky numbers every manual and keeps track of who he sells it to.

I'm not saying that anyone who buys directly from Sparky will screw somebody - you guys probably wont.  But if Sparky thinks that everyone who buys one of his manuals will never sell to someone else, I think he's wrong.  It's that 2nd or 3rd tier buyer that Sparky has no control over even if the copies are numbered.

In my eyes, what you're proposing is a bootleg, plain and simple.  Sparky, if you decide to sell these, I would like to get a copy of every manual you produce so I can document what is a boot and what is legit, though I would really rather not have to do it.
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Re: Home Grown manual Inserts??
« Reply #47 on: November 20, 2010, 06:12:29 AM »
do it do it do iti would sure but alot of loosies anstead of shelling out mad cash for a complete game.  The thing is Im a gamer.  Im not collecting shit in hopes to make a profit.  I do think it nice to have a manual though.  I think cover art is important on pce games.  tg16 I dont really care.  I vote to take our a corner and write copy in it.  If you guys are are really about the game buy one with the real manual. if ya wanna be a cheap bastard like me buy a loosie and a manual that says copy on the cover or whatever is not my call. I due understand about them being sold on ebay but yeah it is the sellers responsability and as a buyer you can always ask a question.  Know who u are buying from. there is risk in everything.  You dont think that someone out there right now has a fake manual in their collection and not know it.  Im sure of it. please its a huge selling point of a game.

dude if its not even a complete manual(which i think is kinda lame.  I wouldnt even puut anything on the front.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 07:33:38 AM by turbogrfxfan »
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Re: Home Grown manual Inserts??
« Reply #48 on: November 20, 2010, 06:46:28 AM »
So when you sell your copy 2 years from now to someone and let them know that it's a copied manual, how the hell does sparky control who YOU sell it to.  It WILL happen, no matter what you say...Even if Sparky numbers every manual and keeps track of who he sells it to.

I'm not saying that anyone who buys directly from Sparky will screw somebody - you guys probably wont.  But if Sparky thinks that everyone who buys one of his manuals will never sell to someone else, I think he's wrong.  It's that 2nd or 3rd tier buyer that Sparky has no control over even if the copies are numbered.

In my eyes, what you're proposing is a bootleg, plain and simple.  Sparky, if you decide to sell these, I would like to get a copy of every manual you produce so I can document what is a boot and what is legit, though I would really rather not have to do it.

I think you're really overthinking the matter. The eBay feedback system will weed out any sellers who try to pass these off as "real." Yeah they might look like the real deal from the cover, but it's VERY obvious when you open them up and they don't have any pages. Not to mention the "This is a copy" disclaimer inside.

It's not like the Sapphire situation where the, erm, "second run" was created to look as close to the original as possible. These are designed to look nice from the front, and that is their sole purpose. They are not intended to duplicate the full manuals or "fool" anyone.


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Re: Home Grown manual Inserts??
« Reply #49 on: November 20, 2010, 07:21:01 AM »
henry,  i understand your point and would fully agree IF these were complete reproductions of the manual, if they are just a single page slip which are different to the manual then they SHOULD be ok, but i also tend to think there should be something on the front to show they are not manuals.  as we all know someone in future will get a MC insert, take a photo  and then sell the game with manaul, and unless you can tell from all pages including front that this is not original then it MAY become a future problem.  I like the idea, and i like what has been produced, but i also think they need clear disclaimers on all sides .. so even though i voted yes im really on the fence depending on the disclaimer stuff.
Looking for (MINT ONLY)
US Manual : Magical Chase, Shockman 
US Box : Turrican,  Soldier Blade, New Adventure Island, Neutopia II
Other : Sapphire OBI, Turbo Play Aug/Sept 90, April/May 92, Turbo Edge Spring 90

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Re: Home Grown manual Inserts??
« Reply #50 on: November 20, 2010, 08:02:05 AM »
I am sure henry is not going to be the only one in time with concerns, but just keep in mind everyone these are a 2 page scanned insert , not a manual.   

henry you are thinking all ebay....I am thinking more on the lines of replacing that bad insert people have done them selves with an added bonus of a bit of the story and the controls inside.  Seeing this a bootleg i did not but if more feel this way i wont do it.

a small tasteful disclaimer may be needed on the front of the manual then and i will look at that.

Maybe i am to trust worthy as i feel the people here that i offer them to would be good about them, sure i guess others could get there hands on these but i am not the only one with a high res scanner and a high end printer... anyone could do these if they wanted <<shrugs>>


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Re: Home Grown manual Inserts??
« Reply #51 on: November 20, 2010, 08:58:21 AM »
No disclaimer on the front please or I wont be interested. Keep in mind the shitty eBay sellers will use stock photos and not actual pics.
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Re: Home Grown manual Inserts??
« Reply #52 on: November 20, 2010, 09:10:17 AM »
I second Duo_R. Please keep the cover untouched.
SignofZeta: What a quintessentially PCEFX thread. Someone complains about nothing, multiple Bible-length posts discussing who's a bigger a$$hole follow. You're both pretty big a$$holes. Let's call it a tie.


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Re: Home Grown Game Inserts??
« Reply #53 on: November 20, 2010, 09:30:42 AM »
I print my own covers for some games, even if Sparky doesn't do this it doesn't mean someone else won't. I would however always disclose if a game had a repro cover (but I am a gamer and have never sold a game like that yet).

Also another consideration - what would someone do if they got a game with Sparky's spine label sticker sold as original? I think that could easily happen but I haven't heard of this being an issue yet.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 09:47:33 AM by Duo_R »
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Re: Home Grown Game Inserts??
« Reply #54 on: November 20, 2010, 01:11:41 PM »
I print my own covers for some games, even if Sparky doesn't do this it doesn't mean someone else won't. I would however always disclose if a game had a repro cover (but I am a gamer and have never sold a game like that yet).

Also another consideration - what would someone do if they got a game with Sparky's spine label sticker sold as original? I think that could easily happen but I haven't heard of this being an issue yet.

I don't round off the corners on the bottom of the label so I can always tell which ones are sparky and which ones aren't :P
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


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Re: Home Grown Game Inserts??
« Reply #55 on: November 21, 2010, 06:30:09 AM »
No disclaimer on the front please or I wont be interested. Keep in mind the shitty eBay sellers will use stock photos and not actual pics.

Thirded. I wouldn't be interested in these if the covers had any sort of watermark or disclaimer. I'd be better off sticking with my printouts of shitty cover-scans I pick up online.


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Re: Home Grown Game Inserts??
« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2010, 07:39:26 AM »
No disclaimer on the front please or I wont be interested. Keep in mind the shitty eBay sellers will use stock photos and not actual pics.

I agree with this, as well; although I have no opinion either way on the inserts so I didn't vote.

Eventually one will end up on eBay as hard as we try to prevent it... To think otherwise is well... Remember the CCAG '09 copies of Insanity?
[Thu 10:04] <Tatsujin> hasd a pasrtty asnd a after pasrty ASDFTERTHE PARTY
Arkhan [05:15pm]: ill brbl im going to go make another free game noone plays lolol


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Re: Home Grown Game Inserts??
« Reply #57 on: November 21, 2010, 09:28:37 AM »
While one may end up on ebay eventually.... im not convinced that enough will show up to signiicantly impact values etc.  It will be unfortunate but as has been stated one poor feedback should settle the issue of a seller trying to take advantage.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


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Re: Home Grown Game Inserts??
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2010, 09:33:50 AM »
well you got it guys, will leave them as they are...  Henry is good guy so i think it bothered me some that he was not on board but 1 of 20 is not bad so i will move forward.

ALSO I am maxing the post count to 200 before you can get these inserts OR have a good rep on here.

Thanks for all the feedback good or bad as it needs to be heard.


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Re: Home Grown Game Inserts??
« Reply #59 on: November 21, 2010, 10:15:20 AM »
hopefully by the time they are ready i may have a 200 post count, but not sure..
Looking for (MINT ONLY)
US Manual : Magical Chase, Shockman 
US Box : Turrican,  Soldier Blade, New Adventure Island, Neutopia II
Other : Sapphire OBI, Turbo Play Aug/Sept 90, April/May 92, Turbo Edge Spring 90

PC Engine Special Cards : Bomberman User Battle

Alydnes Super Grafx