I am debating taking this TV back as I just got it yesterday, and putting the 1084 back on the desk. Though, inevitably, it is going to die...so finding a modern solution is needed eventually.
I don't have any RGB mods on any of my consoles. My MSX outputs RGB natively though.
Going from standard RCA composite doom into an XRGB, will that yield happy results, or no?
Also, I am thinking of buying this: SLG3000 Scanline Generator thing.... to use with the XRGB or something.
http://retrogaming.hazard-city.de/ Has lots of information/comparisons point to getting an VP30 + Scanline generator, or the XRGB, if your goal is to play PCE stuff, or MSX. (And yes I am aware that MSX on the site is for Metal Slug X, and not the MSX computer!).
Would I need to RGB mod my SuperGrafx, or Duo-R to take full advantage of an XRGB or VP30 though? Cause if so, f*ck it. 1084 time. Composite on a 1084 looks good. I am thinking about getting an RGB mod on my duo-r eventually. Doesn't D-Lite do them?