PC games I hated because they were PC games, not because of something more superficial like display types.
Nice shots there, electrochip.I agree that photographing CRT displays is an art unto itself and resizing the picture in very small steps to avoid moiré is important. But it doesn't mean it can be done and reflect the quality differences at hand. Electrochip did pretty well with his Doreamon shots, but his shots previous to that aren't done as well.
Overall, the CXA colour is more vibrant in composite, but I think I see one thing that's degraded: areas of grey, like the Gigazombie's mask, have rainbow interference in the CXA composite pic but not in the original Turbo composite.
Wow. The new shots you put up, electro, are great. The difference between composite and composite out from CXA1645 is impressive.