My copy made it across the Pacific all okay -- as soon as I verified that it worked okay, I promptly chucked out my CD-R copy. Thanks again blue. (Though I just found out that my caps in the Duo is now dry.
*sigh* That's just another item on the to-do list, though once I do it, it should be rock solid for years and years to come).
As for those whose PDF insert isn't printing out in the right size, double check your printing settings, as the PDF seems to be in A4 format (international paper size standard), which is slightly different from North American letter size (8 1/2" x 11"), so your printer driver might be slightly resizing the printing output by default to make the A4 paper size fit into the letter size. (BTW, I'm also loving the anti-ebay logo on this thing -- I'm totally gonna make a copy once I get hold of a nice laser printer!)
What the heck? That sapphire copy on ebay is already up to $42 and climbing.
Is that someone here?
I could care less. I haven't bought on ebay in a long time. I just like looking at pictures.
You guys are gonna be tempted. But if a bunch of them go for 99cents on ebay than the supply will be much higher than demand and that will keep the price at a few dollars at most.
Yeah, these copies aren't these loosies, as they're complete with manual and all that, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone like BigmoneyVegas threw up his copies on ebay.