I wouldnt say weird just unique
Anyways seems like perhaps they didnt buy from blue anyways. Now i just have to get a disk from him for myself.
And thats why i posted
to find out first if blue had sold to them. Of course we could have done that without posting the links, but no worrries..
hahahaha no worries?... you keep justifying why you did not post links but it would have been easier if ya just did ya silly head...... hahaha.. you are weird mrhaboobi.
Yeah, I dunno what not posting the links accomplished -- It actually would've made it easier to "clear" the individual if blue didn't ship to them, but whatever.
And to be clear: blue
DID NOT SELL THESE to anyone. He's taking donations just to cover his time and shipping costs, which makes it all the worse
if someone is actually turning these around for profit, even if it was just for few bucks here and there.