From Lunar: The Silver Star...
"I've had harder the time I fought Galam!"
"I sure wish Morley were here right now..." (Morley, or Marley to be precise, was in Cosmic Fantasy 2, shown in the cutscene before Cobra is summoned to Idea and also shown as a sprite in the Algernon before it rockets to Clan Isle)
From Vasteel...
"Just ask Van and he'll tell you that Galam is one tough fighter."
I remember Vay having a ton of them but I can't remember any off the top of my head right now...been a couple of years since I last played thru that game. Also, Cosmic Fantasy 2 had a ton of other pokes...
"a three hour tour, a three hour tour..."
"Can I mind-meld with you, friend?"
"Did I tell you that I'm not only the president, I'm also a client?"
etc etc etc...tons of them.