Been wanting this for too long. My wife wanted to surprise me with one for my birthday and finally gave up. She was like "I don't even know where to start with this PC Engine thing, there's like a billion different ones on ebay and they all look different! Why don't you just buy the one you want". So I did and my Duo-R came in teh mail today and it arrived on my birthday!
I have a Turbo that I found about 5 years ago at a thrift store for $3.50 but never really found many games around town. I picked up a couple of games on ebay for cheap and I nabbed my cute Sapphire booty from BlueBMW. I also have Ys I+II and the US Gate of Thunder on the way, also from another forum member!
First Impression- The Colors! so crisp and bright! I love my Sony CRT, my wife wants a flat screen and while most men would love if their wives wanted to get a new TV but my games look great on it with no noticeable color bleed through.
my new DUO with her lover, I hope they make me a cute little GT one day!
As you can see my collection is small and I am looking for some more games! let me know if you have spares you wanna sell!
Thanks to everyone on this forum and for all the great information and help!