Nicely done.
The first transistor (902) and the third transistor (904) are MMBC1623L6.
The second transistor (903) is MMBA812M6.
The VCE is U903, the HUC6260.
I show some slightly different resistor values:
The second resistor is shown as 6.3k ohms, I show it as 6.2k ohms.
The 1.36k (going to ground on the first transistor) as 1.5k ohms.
The 2.7k ohms (between the first two transistors) as 3.3k ohms.
The 3.5k ohms as 13k ohms.
The differences between these two setups may simply be a circuit update. My data is from '93.
The output "CVBS" goes, of course, to the AV port #JK-601 pin 3, via C962,R930, and L603.