Thanks for the props everyone!

The new shop isn't going to be the end-all-be-all of shops for me but it is going to be MUCH better than what I had before.
It's going to be over 500sq feet and dedicated. No more sharing it with the tool boxes, freezer, and all the other crap that was in the garage. I'll still have a garage for all that other stuff and for holding all my metal detector stuff. (I'm a dealer for White's Electronics.)
We've been snowed and iced in like crazy here in Dallas so things are about a week behind. We just got internet/cable/phone service yesterday late afternoon and the city has been shut down so the permit for our storage building hasn't been issued yet. As soon as it's issued we'll have storage here and I can move most of the shop over. I'll have a temporary bench set up in the computer room to do some repairs
I picked up a nice electronics workbench off of Craigslist and am looking for another one now. I can't wait to get this shop built! We just have to wait on the financing which could take another 2 weeks to complete.