Obviously redbook is better in theory, but its really sad how many redbook CD soundtracks are just garbage.
No less sad is how many chip tunes are utter shit (SNES, Genny, PCE, it doesn't matter). Did you have a point?
Also, redbook isn't dynamic. It can't transition for shit, and in fact halts the entire system when the laser moves on a PCE.
That's akin to arguing that the SNES is superior to the PCE CD games simply because it doesn't have load times,and that's just silly; plus like Ark said, only the music halts. Besides, using redbook and chip tunes together makes for pretty dandy transitions, such as when some RPGs mute the overworld redbook, play nice chippy tunes during battles, then back to the redbook at battle's end.
Mode 7 is so beyond the PCE its not even funny.
Equally funny is how the PCE's CPU is so far beyond the SNES's. Is it just me, or is it pointless to argue that one machine is head and shoulders above the crowd based on a single capability?