Author Topic: Hudson USA Shut Down!  (Read 910 times)


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Hudson USA Shut Down!
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:42:51 AM »
I had no idea where to post this, so here goes. Mods, feel free to move this topic...

A blog post by Hudson Entertainment brand manager Morgan Haro reveals that Hudson Entertainment, the California-based American arm of Japan's Hudson Soft, is closing down. "It was revealed today," Haro said in the post, "that all of Hudson's previously planned projects have been canceled and that our office will be closing it's doors at the end of February." Hudson Entertainment has been active since 2003; prior to that, "Hudson Soft USA" published games from 1988 through 1995.

The closing is a result of Konami's full acquisition of Hudson Soft, after which Haro speculates "there apparently won't be any need for the talents within the San Mateo offices of Hudson Entertainment." Haro also speculated that the difficulty of finding an audience for Japanese games in the west, and the proliferation of both giant publishers and indies, as recent problems for Hudson. "You're either a hit, or an indie developer looking to be a hit."

Hudson's most recent American release was Lost in Shadow on Wii.

And here's the blog post,

Hudson Entertainment Is Closing - A Perspective

Some points of clarification. First of all, yes, the above is entirely true. Soon, or already, you’ll see the news hit the wire and probably a few gaming blogs from our PR company (the fine, and extremely professionally awesome folks at fortyseven communications) that Hudson Entertainment is shutting it’s doors. Second, let me be clear, Hudson ENTERTAINMENT. Not Hudson Soft. Hudson Soft is still a company with offices in Tokyo, Japan that will still be employing a good handful of people. Hudson Entertainment is part of Hudson Soft and we handled bringing Hudson’s games to North American territories. All major Japanese publishers have a similar set-up from Sega, to Capcom, to Konami. But as you may have seen in the news, Konami has acquired the entirety of the Hudson group, and the offices in Japan will likely be focusing on social games. This was the line that was touted in the news earlier this month. You can read it here. However, there apparently won’t be any need for the talents within the San Mateo offices of Hudson Entertainment. It was revealed today that all of Hudson’s previously planned projects have been canceled and that our office will be closing it’s doors at the end of February. Lastly, these are my own personal thoughts on the matter and are in no way representative of the Hudson group. I’ve known that this was a likelihood for some time now, but with the news going public in a day or so, I feel at liberty to share my thoughts on the matter more publicly since, there’s no company’s feathers left to ruffle.

I should start by saying that over the past 3 years, I have worked with one of the most talented and knowledgeable groups of people in the industry. Amar Gavhane and Mike Pepe are both extremely learned in their fields and passionate about gaming to boot. In short, they kick ass, and they taught me a ton. Since this was my first position in the gaming industry, (not counting the internship I had done with Hudson in my last year of college in 2006) I had a ton to learn, and they were absolutely crucial in my development. For that, I’ll always be grateful, whether I continue to stay in the industry, or not. Peter Dassenko was Hudson’s clutch Producer for titles like the Bomberman Live series, and was always pushing innovation and partnerships with key developers stateside. Takehito Hanyu taught me the love of learning Japanese and how to be an all around computer geek. I not only continue to learn the language, but I also have a kick ass gaming PC thanks to him. There’s so many other amazing people there, Bob Goad, Tammy Taw, Yusuke Tsugawa, Darin Dahlinger; not to mention folks I worked with who had moved on prior, Andrew Plempel, Sebastian Santacroce, Andres Perez, and many others.

But like every company, Hudson Entertainment wasn’t perfect. As the industry continues to march towards the drum of Western game development, Hudson became for me, a symbol of why Japan has fallen behind when it comes to bringing world-wide hits to gamers. The act of producing and developing a game in Japan, and then bringing that game over to the US to compete in an increasingly competitive market is more and more, and incredibly tough proposition. A challenge in itself to be sure, but to compound the issue, minimal communication and stifled collaboration seems to be hampering the chances of success. In previous generations, developers only had so many factors to worry about to produce a title that meets a general level of acceptance. But as we, as gamers, became more accustomed to games that demanded not only more from the player, and in turn, more from the developer, many companies seem to be having a hard time keeping up.

From the Wii generation on, we had success with the first Deca Sports due to its ability to fill a hole in the then hot ‘omg it’s like Wii Sports’ category, but we failed to innovate when it came to the sequel, and the sequel’s sequel. Meanwhile, there were countless missed collaboration opportunities between the US and Japan. But it wasn’t just with Deca Sports. By the time we had received the game design document for any given title, development was more than likely well underway, usually past the point of the dev team able to make any major changes. Usually, a green-lit concept would have some redeeming ideas, but from my perspective, there were countless opportunities our titles weren’t taking advantage of. Numerous trends to not only watch out for and adapt to, but possibly start as well. It was only at the start of 2011 did an air of change come to that communication process. But it appears it was too late.


At the end of the day though, and this is no secret, game development is a business. And Hudson has certainly done it’s best to keep on top of the heap. We made games. Some quick cash-ins like Oops! Prank Party, others more innovative like Bomberman: Live on XBLA and Lost In Shadow on Wii. Communication problems aside, there was also that little issue of money. And while Hudson has been around for years, it’s clear that we didn’t have the money muscle to bring on big talent, and create big experiences. In this current landscape, it’s tough now to have companies that find a place somewhere right in the middle. You’re either a hit, or an indie developer looking to be a hit.

 A special note goes to the fans demanding a return of the Bloody Roar series. It was something I personally pushed for in the company, despite the crowded fighting game market. With digital distribution channels like XBLA and PSN, I felt there was a chance, if done right, to re-invigorate the series. There were some game design documents sent around internally of some spin-offs of the series, but it didn’t seem like it was the right direction. There was a chance for something to happen late 2011, early 2012; but clearly, we won’t see what was to be. To the Bloody Roar fans out there, I read every single one of your messages, petitions, and calls for the series to be brought back. You guys are awesome, and perhaps some day, a developer and a publisher will pick it up, and do it justice. Until then, just know, you guys rock.

All together, the key to better success for Hudson needed to be grounded in higher communication and collaboration on a game’s development from beginning to end. I could go more into detail about specific points for specific games, but speaking from a general level; bring the development out from isolation and use the creative resources we had here stateside to engage in a more collaborative development process. We have so many fun titles that could have benefited from our collective passion. So many franchises that we could have created and improved upon to make gamers sit up and pay attention. In fact, it was an initiative I had wanted to see through by going to the corporate office in Japan with the above mission in mind. But without taking measurable steps to bridge the culture, communication, and collaboration gap, we end up swimming in our own kiddie pool, watching the cool kids rush through the awesome waterslides on the other side of the fence.

But at the end of the day, I have respect for Hudson’s goals, and I’m proud to have been a part of it. I remember playing Bomberman and Milon’s Secret Castle as a kid. I remember the thrill of getting the internship there. Going to my first E3 in 2006 and knowing that this was the industry I was meant for. Meeting members of the press of who’s work I had always read, the friends I made, the friend I lost, working on my first website, working on my first marketing plan, going to SD Comic Con, NY Comic Con, PAX, interacting with big-time Hudson fans and the gaming community at shows, on our forums, on Twitter, Facebook; I’ll never forget it. For all the flaws that Hudson Entertainment as a company had, our team never lost the love of the game, of the industry, and for everything that gaming culture represents. It’s who we are, and what we do. Let’s hope it stays that way.

So what will become of Hudson Entertainment now? It’s strange to think about all these web presences I carved out, all these social media initiatives I planned that were meant to continue to breathe life into our titles far past release. Brand plans created for titles that will never ship, or if they do, I’ll have nothing to do with them. underwent a huge redesign last year, and now, I’m sure that domain will be shut down within a month or so. All the plans I had laid for our titles in 2011, will cease to exist. As usual, I was going to be tasked with the development of all the microsites and social media planning for the year, as well as handle the brand management for a handful of titles on 3DS, Kinect, and the NGP. And there were some really amazing cool ideas on the table on how we were going to push the envelope in those departments, including integrating some really awesome initiatives with social media as the platform. But what’s great is that I can take all that same creative energy that went into those ideas, and bring it to another wonderful company, or perhaps one day, a company of my own.

So without further ado: WHO’S HIRING?

Terrible news, and I hope this doesn't mean the Bonk game is going to be lost forever...
Games I Need: Bonk 3 (HuCard), Legend of Hero Tonma, Magical Chase, Soldier Blade, Super Air Zonk.

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Black Tiger

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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 07:18:45 AM »
I don't want to sound negative, but this can only be good news because Hudson Entertainment or whatever they called themselves couldn't possibly have done a worse job. Konami might actually do something with Hudson's franchises and import games. I wouldn't be surprised if we actually get a PC Engine collection for PSP now.

Konami gave us a fully translated Dracula X with a bunch of extras. Hudson USA told PC Engine fans that we're too stupid to figure out why all their Virtual Console TG-16 releases were filtered.

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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 07:33:09 AM »
wow, so does this mean we could see Castlevania Bomberman?


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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 08:05:42 AM »
I agree with Black Tiger: Hudson Entertainment hasn't done much of anything in years, or at least not anything that I care about.  Hopefully Konami will be a bit smarter about cashing in on Hudson's back catalog, but my hopes aren't too high considering that they've been in the driver's seat for quite some time anyway.
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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 08:09:57 AM »
I wouldn't be surprised if we actually get a PC Engine collection for PSP now.

Actually, TurboGrafx games are already coming to PSN (and as a result, PSP):

Not sure if this will be halted or delayed now that Hudson Entertainment is finished.
Games I Need: Bonk 3 (HuCard), Legend of Hero Tonma, Magical Chase, Soldier Blade, Super Air Zonk.

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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2011, 08:54:04 AM »
Now that I've had a few moments to think it over, I've gotta admit that your responses represent a general attitude around this place that drives me nuts and makes me more of a "lurker" than a regular forum contributor here.

When news that the US branch of a studio that is responsible for the bulk of the content that we fetishize and discuss years after the rest of the world stopped caring is closing down, rather than expressing condolences for the group of people who are going to be laid off, or gratitude for the ways that they attempted to keep our tiny segment of the overall gaming community happy by releasing more games than anyone else on the Virtual Console or delivering the occasional Bomberman game or throwback title to a franchise that has been mostly forgotten about (ie: Dungeon Explorer, Alien Crush, Adventure Island, Bonk, etc.), it's bitching that they didn't do enough or predictions that perhaps the new owners will release a compilation of relatively obscure Japanese titles on a portable console that is going to be obsolete in just a few months because, hey, that would have been a genius business move and one that would have surely kept Hudson Entertainment in business had they done it.

Sorry, but it just seems like every time I try to post some information around here it's immediately met with snarky negativity and it gets a little old... Again, I guess it's why I don't post on forums much.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 08:55:35 AM by jlued686 »
Games I Need: Bonk 3 (HuCard), Legend of Hero Tonma, Magical Chase, Soldier Blade, Super Air Zonk.

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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2011, 09:04:10 AM »
Wow oversensitive much?  It's hardly an attack on you.  

The fact is that what has been said is right...what very little that has been done recently has been little, almost damaging to the legacy we actually care about.  The current releases are IMO a stain on what they did RIGHT years ago.  I mean you brought up:

"delivering the occasional Bomberman game or throwback title to a franchise that has been mostly forgotten about (ie: Dungeon Explorer, Alien Crush, Adventure Island, Bonk, etc.)"

Sorry...the new Dungeon Explorer games SUCK so bad it's not funny.  To me that's RUINING a franchise ;)

People have varrying opinions, sucks people will possibly lose their jobs, but just goes to show that they obviously haven't been making sound decisions for some time (yet we're supposed to fawn all over them because of what they did 10-20 years ago ?).
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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2011, 09:10:26 AM »
This isn't all. I was more surprised when they actually bothered to start back up in the US. During their come back they brought us...some interesting blog posts, I'll give them that, but aside from them "trying really hard" I haven't found the need to buy anything from them. I think Star Parodia for VC is the only thing I have from Hudson since the Cube croaked (and I didn't like any of the Cube games I bought from Hudson except the Japan-only Bomberman Land 2). Wait, I take that back, I bough some sort of Bomberman game for DSiWare. I didn't like it.

I guess I have to give them credit for VC. If they hadn't come back, we'd probably all just be bitching about how you need an import Wii to play Hudson VC games. Also, its not really the US division's fault that Hudson of Japan hasn't released any new software worth buying since who f*cking knows when.

I assume/hope that Konami can keep the VC games coming.


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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2011, 09:15:52 AM »
@ Nectarsis: I never said it was an attack on me. Just said it was a general vibe of negativity that seems to pervade this place.

And, incidentally, as I typed "Dungeon Explorer", I knew I'd get a "but those games were teh sux0rz!" comment. Man, do I know this place, or what? ;)

My point was, it's always immediately to the negative around here. The truth is, none of us know what went on at Hudson USA, why decisions were made, etc. But I've had the opportunity to talk to a number of various marketing, PR, and development folks over the years and got the vibe that a lot of what went down was dictated by the home office. In fact, when talking to the former head of marketing, John Lee, he told me that they fought for years to get a new Bonk game made, only to be rejected time and time again. And to respond immediately by basically saying, "Big deal. They did a shitty job anyway", rather than - I don't know - not being snarky about it, is just something I guess I should expect by now around here.

And I wasn't expecting you to "fawn" all over them. Just maybe show a bit of class after a bunch of people get laid off in an already shitty economy.


Anyway, I do appreciate the small gestures they attempted to make, even with the Virtual Console. Despite some technical issues, the fact remains that they put out an assload of content there, giving the Turbo catalog exposure to potentially millions of gamers who otherwise had no idea who those characters were or what the games were about.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 09:19:30 AM by jlued686 »
Games I Need: Bonk 3 (HuCard), Legend of Hero Tonma, Magical Chase, Soldier Blade, Super Air Zonk.

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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2011, 09:29:02 AM »

And, incidentally, as I typed "Dungeon Explorer", I knew I'd get a "but those games were teh sux0rz!" comment. Man, do I know this place, or what? ;)

MAYBE that's because they did indeed suck bad (sorry I don't use your expected L33T speak) :P 

It has nothing to do with acting classy.  I just don't see the need to act all positive towards things that aren't worth buying/suck. Outside of the VC what have they done kick ass wise to be worked up about?  Hell this could be a GOOD thing.  Saving $ by closing an unprofitable division could lead to *gasp* better games.  I for one would rather see less releases from a company, but what they do release being worth my time/$.

 Of course Japan called the shots, doesn't change the end result, so saying the US branch closing as not a huge deal to many of us is just that.  As stated above Konami's been in charge for some time so this is not a huge surprise to be honest.  Now saying all the IP/ideas/etc are wiped off the face of the earth never to have anythingdone with them again...that's something to care about. ;)

For me I have never used (and prob never will use) the VC.  Though it is true it exposed many people to the TG/PCE that otherwise wouldn't have been, and that is cool.
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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2011, 09:32:34 AM »
Alright, man. Sorry for wasting your time...
Games I Need: Bonk 3 (HuCard), Legend of Hero Tonma, Magical Chase, Soldier Blade, Super Air Zonk.

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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2011, 09:45:21 AM »
Hudson Entertainment isn't to blame in this; they had hardly any control whatsoever. US offices of Japanese companies rarely have any level of real control and are always at their master's beck and call... half of this comes from an old assumption that the Japanese know business best and the Americans had just better sit there and do as they're told. It's a continuing case of sore backside inherited from their predecessors who were involved in WW2. And now it's getting worse because of the rising US development market... what was once firmly in the hands of the Japanese has been slipping away over the last decade, and especially over the last five years... and at the same time, Japanese efforts have been going down the toilet because gamers are tired of the same old stale concepts recycled over and over again, and it seems as if the Japanese cannot break free from their demon fetishes. The Japanese developers do not, nor do they want to, understand the US market.


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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2011, 10:01:05 AM »
I appreciate the post.  I'm not terribly concerned as the N64 is my most-recent console, but I am sad to see the last living link to the TG16 pull up its U.S. roots.  It's not too surprising however.  How's a company like Hudson supposed to compete with the crap people are buying in Gamestop?  The same thing is happening in the film world, where the only features being financed are either 3D blockbusters or tiny independents with specialized distribution.

Finally, I have to say that this is the most positive I've seen the forums in years!  (I'm not saying they ain't negative, just SO much better than they used to be.)   :dance:
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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2011, 10:04:44 AM »
Now that I've had a few moments to think it over, I've gotta admit that your responses represent a general attitude around this place that drives me nuts and makes me more of a "lurker" than a regular forum contributor here.

Maybe if you were more active around here or could stoop to using the search feature, you'd see that this impending doom has already been discussed and with much lamentation over the loss.

When news that the US branch of a studio that is responsible for the bulk of the content that we fetishize and discuss years after the rest of the world stopped caring is closing down, rather than expressing condolences for the group of people who are going to be laid off...

Yeah the economy sucks, but last I checked this is a gaming forum and not a unemployment wailing wall.  Now if some of those employees were here, I'd gladly extend my condolences and wish 'em good luck; but they're not, and empty platitudes aren't my style.

... or gratitude for the ways that they attempted to keep our tiny segment of the overall gaming community happy by releasing more games than anyone else on the Virtual Console...

Like I said, they haven't done much lately: it's been almost a year since the last VC title and better than two years since they regularly released new VC titles.  But I've never really like the VC anyway, as download only sucks and it's overpriced compared to the compilation discs where you get a dozen+ titles for $30.

... or delivering the occasional Bomberman game or throwback title to a franchise that has been mostly forgotten about (ie: Dungeon Explorer, Alien Crush, Adventure Island, Bonk, etc.)"...

I know I sound like a broken record, but I said they haven't done much in years: Dungeon Explorer - Warriors of Ancient Arts is two years old and most reviewers think it sucks, Alien Crush Returns is also two years old, Adventure Island - The Beginning is closing in on its second birthday, and Bonk - Brink of Extinction has been sadly shunted to the sidelines and isn't too faithful to the original style anyway (though I still want it).  Yet I'm 'bitching' when I say I want more of these goodies to come out and more often?!?

And, incidentally, as I typed "Dungeon Explorer", I knew I'd get a "but those games were teh sux0rz!" comment. Man, do I know this place, or what? ;)

Yeah, 'cause it's only people here that don't like it and all game reviewers gave it four thumbs up.  :roll:

The truth is, none of us know what went on at Hudson USA, why decisions were made, etc. But I've had the opportunity to talk to a number of various marketing, PR, and development folks over the years and got the vibe that a lot of what went down was dictated by the home office. In fact, when talking to the former head of marketing, John Lee, he told me that they fought for years to get a new Bonk game made, only to be rejected time and time again.

It doesn't matter who is at fault.  The fact is that they haven't been delivering the goods and some of us hope that the Japan office (or Konami's US office) will do a better job.

^^ now that is snarky.

The Japanese developers do not, nor do they want to, understand the US market.

Nintendo begs to differ.
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Re: Hudson USA Shut Down!
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2011, 10:32:23 AM »
Bonk: Brink of Extinction...  ironic title, eh?