@ Nectarsis: I never said it was an attack on me. Just said it was a general vibe of negativity that seems to pervade this place.
And, incidentally, as I typed "Dungeon Explorer", I
knew I'd get a "but those games were teh sux0rz!" comment. Man, do I know this place, or what?

My point was, it's always immediately to the negative around here. The truth is, none of us know what went on at Hudson USA, why decisions were made, etc. But I've had the opportunity to talk to a number of various marketing, PR, and development folks over the years and got the vibe that a lot of what went down was dictated by the home office. In fact, when talking to the former head of marketing, John Lee, he told me that they fought for years to get a new Bonk game made, only to be rejected time and time again. And to respond immediately by basically saying, "Big deal. They did a shitty job anyway", rather than - I don't know - not being snarky about it, is just something I guess I should expect by now around here.
And I wasn't expecting you to "fawn" all over them. Just maybe show a bit of class after a bunch of people get laid off in an already shitty economy.
Anyway, I do appreciate the small gestures they attempted to make, even with the Virtual Console. Despite some technical issues, the fact remains that they put out an assload of content there, giving the Turbo catalog exposure to potentially millions of gamers who otherwise had no idea who those characters were or what the games were about.