Here are reviews for most of the Japan-only, traditional-style HuCard RPGs:
Benkei Gaiden
Hey runin. Have you played the SNES version of Benkei Gaiden? If so, do you know if it's a sequel or a remake?
I completely forget about that game. Pretty cool little 3megabit hucard. Definitely a hucard game that translation scene has overlooked (hucards are much easier to hack for translation than CD games).
HuCard adventure/RPG type games aren't good to play on the go since you can't save your game and it's hard to read the long passwords on the Turbo Express/PCE GT screen.
You know, I never thought about that concerning the TG Express and other PCE portables. In general, for you PCE fans out there, how important would a 'back up' compatible device be? Like a pass through port (kind of like how game genies work on portable systems). Like if a group/community were to actually make one. From a technical stand point, there's pretty much nothing to it. One reg mapped into open bus of the last 8k of address range - to lock/unlock BRAM, and 2k of ram mapped to bank $F7 (battery backed or flash). Would there be enough demand to cover the cost or do PCE portables owners not play their portable systems enough to warrant such a building of said device? Just curious. I know building such a device wouldn't be cheap for the sole fact that the unique hucard female connector isn't cheap to manufacture (or so I've been told from someone that looked into it). I know David Shadoff build the entire lot of kisado converters from buying old stock of digital controlled sewing machine parts. They just happen to use the same female connector. But AFAIK, he bought and used them all and couldn't kind another source after that.
GAUGE: Hey BP, glad to see you're a multi console fan. No CD unit? Which core system do you have? TG16 or one of the PCE models?
A type of booster for the TurboExpress, PCE GT would be awesome. I'd have no idea how to do it, but I would definitely pick one up. I do some graphic design and illustration if that helps.
It's pretty much impossible to get a flash card for the PCE/Turbo these days, right?
And yeah, BonkNuts, I dig a few consoles. I've actually been a fan of the TG-16 since I got mine in 1990. Still have it along with an old CD unit. A few years back, one summer, a I really started collecting (picking up a US/Japanese converter, Arcade Card, SF II, a TurboExpress, Lords, Dragon Slayer, etc.), but the lack of RPGs and portable saving left me feeling like I needed more. So I got a Nomad and really got into Sega stuff.
I'm feeling like I might be up to the challenge of using a walkthough on a Japanese RPG. I'm looking at getting a copy of Benkei Gaiden.
Right now I'm mostly using a region modded PCE Core, with a CD-ROM2 unit and a region modded PCE GT. The CD system is back home in CA. So yeah, I can play CD games too, it'll just be a few weeks before I get my CD-ROM back.
Thanks again for all the help here. I'm still digging through all the recommendations.