I completed mine after some careful cutting with dremel. It seemed to work but it had a quirk: if I pressed on the middle like button or control pad, the image blanks out. I thought it was a loose wire and took it apart. Nothing I jiggled caused the image to blank out and when I put it back together, image never came back.
Took it apart, noticed the video board was very warm and touching metal. I put in a piece of paper under the video board and tried again, no picture, I know TE is working because the LED on my TED is flashing and reacting to button presses.
I cut the wire and used alligator clip to connect video and ground to a nearby TV, I got image. I think the video board may have been cooked by accidental short.
It was probably the same way that blew the fuse the first time.
so I got to wait a week for new AV stuff to come in.