So I finally got a hold of Linda.
Apparently it is a present day paranorma game. My favorite catergory.
The whole idea is that your this guy who made a promise to a girl, who usted to live next to you ( like most of us reading this ). She apparently came up with the idea, that the worlds army should save the animals. However their is no time left. You being the idiot who remembers her, decide to go on this repair and recover.
Now the world has melted into one. You know the whole melting pot theory, So apparently everybody in the game is a morph of pan-Eurasian. ( more or less pan-Japan ). This is why everybody is the shape they are. Basically an idea Japan-African, world. Basically the world is at peace.
However I am sure a person from Japan could enlighten us, on the subject of these down to earth characters, like the main characters mom. Yes did I mention you get a mom, just like in pokemon. However instead of looking commercial, she looks like a real mother, who has a traditional east asian deep voice, vingary and sexy like Doctor girlfreind ( at least in my eyes ). I wonder what his mom did to get that big house she lives in. I mean seriously, in the village your house is probably the biggest.
The animal idea of this game seems to reflect a PSX game, I forget the name of. You collect them, and use them for battle. So more or less the game is reference in terms of nature and pokemon. In fact I believe this game predates the release of Pokemon ( considering that Pokemon was in developement since the early 1990's ) . So maybe things like had a role of influence?

The god part of the game, is the world is ending. and it is up to you to save it, blah blah. So of course your evil self, is out their commiting crimes in your names, making people angry, and enlisting the forces of darkness. One of the things it shows, is the end.
Finally their is a love-luv part, which is obvious from the start. Where you are trying to please the worlds, last girl "Linda". Seriously ( at least that is way I see it ). However the task is so huge, so you apparently to the job. Ironic your long lost love is this girl who wants to save the planet. I have not gone far in the game, I think Linda is the kid of the elder who summoned, the ark. :-"
Being a present day paranorma, it also makes me want to play some SFC rpgs.
The game obviously is some kinda of homeage, or respect to the PC-NEC series.
If they want to, they could have wented all out, considering the game was released in
One of the things this game does is make it feel to have a kid with an black person ( you know the 1990's ( Super 80's ) way of thinking ). Basically "black Japan" or "hip Japan" or "street Japan" or modern world. This game brings back so many memories of youth,".
The flat fact, the game proccess of thinking, and calculating is an innocent one, like the way most of us think when we were in our teens.If you like Akira, Kite, Perfect Blue, and other favorites of mine, then you will love this game. It embodies everything, at least what I loved about Present Day world. When FF7 was released, they pretty much just ripped off this game, completely. God, Pussy, and freindly forest critters is in this game.
To even add to the fire, some of the characters "like evil you" appears in the later Persona series. Can't figure why?
? Any relationships between.Finally you see the whole point of this game, is not to scare you. or be horrific in any manor whatsoever. However I am pass that "teen" stage, so the whole suicidal, and
the amazement of pussy just flies over my head.
If you are expecting a graphic wonder of a game, do not bother. Most of the graphics are event triggered, graphics. Not like earlier PCE games, that had so much animation acitivity and creativity with graphics, Like they wanted to create something on our favorite nationalist system?