Whoa, I just kinda realized I nearly completed my 3 year dream of reviewing every Turbografx-16 card released in North America here on Youtube. It's a strange mission but at the time (2008) there weren't too many reviewers talking about this awesome machine on the website despite how much I loved it as a kid and that's a shame. Yeah, some of the reviews are poorly edited and sound pretty odd today (Spida1a is killing me on production values) but I don't care, we need more people talking about the Turbo in my opinion weather the games are good (Military Madness, Blazing Lazers) or not (Gunboat, Deep Blue). Here is my latest TG review: Dungeons and Dragons Order of the Griffon
93 down, 1 to go, baby! Let me know what you think. What reviews you liked, which ones you hated, are the reviewers better when I'm playing with friends, what's the deal with the burger king crown and all that junk?
My Turbografx playlist: