Writing on the wall1) Unlike the 3DO and Jaguar, the overall quality of the TG16 library is pretty good.
2) The mysterious underdog factor: I imagine it would be a fun console to go back and “discover” if you missed out in the Nineties. Unlike its competitors, the TG16 wasn’t sold in most mainstream stores. K-Mart, Target, Best Buy, Kay-Bee Toys, and Funcoland didn’t carry it. In Minnesota you had to go to Toy R’ Us, Children’s Palace, Software Etc, or Electronics Boutique.
3) TG16 games had comparatively low print runs.
4) Attractive media – hucards are cute, CD’s are cool.
5) Games are more valuable to collectors than worthless SMS games, but not yet out-of-sight like Neo Geo carts.
Are we screwed? Alexduo’s report of the guy with 6-8 copies of MC is worrisome (
The comic and baseball card markets crashed in the Eighties/Nineties, but that was well after their heyday of collectability and the old stuff has never really lost value. Same thing with Magic cards – modern ones aren’t worth anything but the early ones are. Of course, the TG16 was the first CD system….