I dont care if the PCE shoots rainbows out its white f@cking huey slot, it is not my black TG16, the system i wanted way back when i was a kid, so now i have and have spent very little cash on it.
Let up a bit would ya zeta on tg16 hate.... geeeeez
I agree with this. I have a few PCE games and I like them, but there is something to be said for collecting the US stuff. I've got 72 US games now and 9 Japanese games. There are still a few more PCE only games that I'd love to get, but of course those always seem to be the pricey ones.
I've been collecting and playing the TG16 since 1989, so I've been patient with my collection and am generally willing to wait out prices until I find a good one. I may never complete my collection because of Magical Chase (unless somehow I find it out in the wild), and I'm unwilling to pay $200+ for some of the other titles that are over priced right now, but eventually I'm sure I'll get pretty close.
Also as a side note, I know that my parents got me both my TG16 and the CDROM the next year from Fred Meyer in WA.