So, while I definitely want to expand my Core with SuperCD capabilities, it occurs to me that there are other hardware arrangements. Those of you currently dabbling in the PCE market, what do you think a solid estimate is for building the following software compatibility setups? Meaning, if someone wants to get into the PCE market, what should their initial outlay be expected to be for the following capabilities? What hardware would you use to accomplish this setup and why? Are there cheaper or more expensive means to do this that are more or less practical? This is primarily only for JPN games, but if you want to explore how adding US games capabilities increases the costs and changes the options available, go ahead.
Hucard only
Hucard + SuperCD
Hucard + ArcadeCD
SGX only
SGX + SuperCD
SGX + ArcadeCD
Here's the reason I think this is something worth discussing, and periodically revisiting with cost changes. The proliferation of emulators (including Virtual Console) has and will continue, hopefully, to get people interested in the PCE and even original systems. I think visitors might like to have an idea of current cost estimates to get into the hobby at a hardware level. Now, prices, especially on eBay, vary widely, but there's surely some kind of baseline we can establish as to what resources people need to bring to bear to get into this hobby.
Here's my obligatory disclaimer: I used to have a Turbo setup with ACD capabilities and a Kisado, as well as some very nice import games (original Rondo of Blood, bought new in Japan, for example). Many years ago I traded it all to get into Sega Saturn gaming (I couldn't afford a system new and the trade got me set up with a good batch of starting games and equipment). Well, now I have a Core, a single controller, and a few games. I'm just as curious as newbies to see what kind of cash I should expect to have to lay down to expand back into familiar territory.
If there's a better way to approach this than this way, please let me know.