Found this site which I thought was interesting enough. a MP3 player that works on Windows 95, they had one of the last ones that still installs and works. The premise appears to be to stockpile all those old apps that worked on prior versions of Operating Systems so they're there should you ever need them.
In software development it's somewhat useful to see if your apps still run on basic Win API level "1.0" beginning with Windows 95 which is maintained/enhanced on to Windows 10. The API on Win95 is like SCSI 1.0 and if your app uses the basics it'll work all the way to the present for the most part. Compatibility issues here and there pop up with newer OSes, but it can be done if you code it right.
I have set up a bootload of Windows emulation installs for 95/98/ME/2K/7/etc. because of my work on TurboRip. Just now got it encoding MP3s on Win95 which was an obstacle because newer LAME MP3 encoders were compiled to exclude it to naturally take advantage of newer CPU instruction sets. I want one last solid/stable version of TurboRip that's fully "retro" before I leave it behind for a GUI version someday basically and this excursion in tediousness is also helping me to advance my SCSI library that I've been working on across the years.
Anyway, site might be a useful just in case.