Nice to see this show get some mention here.
I've been going to the show since the very first one back in September 2004. It has really had its ups and downs in terms of programming and attendance #s, but this should be a solid show. The nice thing about the event "for buyers" is that the vendor room is about the same size at midwest gaming classic, but attendance is about 1/3 of the show. Between 10am and 1pm it is a mad buying and selling rush, but after 1pm sales drop off so it is a good time to haggle with sellers for some really good deals if there is something leftover that interests you.
Not really sure if I will have my usual amount of PCE stuff available at the show, but I will be aiming to blow out a lot of the inventory I am bringing, and as the folks who attended MGC know, I am always willing to haggle if it is a nice sized package deal