Hi! I bought my TE new, and he had weak sound......I did the sound fix, and the sound is fine now....After i did the sound fix the TE worked normal....but last week i had the problem with the display.....So i put in the batteries AND the adapter and he worked.....while playing i can remove the batteries.....if i take a break (30min), and put it on again he works ( only with the adapter) but on the next day i need the batteries to start it up....There is no Problem at all while playing......
NO i never used rechargeable Batteries
I"m not sure now but i think i can"t increase the brightness while the screen is black.......
I think a never played (new) TE has more problems as a used TE or GT ......2 of my friends here in Austria have a used TE, and they don't have any problems with their TE's.........