here are the voltages I measured, 0V console to earth with oscilloscope probe, with a Hucard:
CN104(1): 4V (Z io of the BU4053B)
CN104(2): 0V (ABC bits selections of the BU4053B)
CN104(3) 4V (IC521 pin 3 & 5 in+ of amplifier 4558)
CN104(4): 5V (volume control input of M51131L)
CN104(5): 0V
CN104(6): 4V (1st out amp 4558 IC506)
CN104(7): 4V (2nd out amp 4558 IC506)
: 4V
CN104(9): 4V
CN103(1): audio Left not measured
CN103(2): 0V (ground)
CN103(3): audio right not measured
CN104(4): 1,32V (Q603 & Q604 base, before diode ans 1K resistors)
CN103(5): 4V
CN103(6): 8V (V supply, from pump charge ?? because no other regulator than 7805)
CN103(7): 4V
M51131L (volume & balance control)
1: 8V (V supply)
2: 3.4V (input 1)
3: 3.1V (output 1)
4: 5.52V (Vréf)
5: 8V (Low pass filter)
6: not connected
7: gnd
8: 5V (volume control)
9: gnd
10: 2.8V (Balance control)
11: gnd
12: 5.52V (wire to 4)
13: 3.1V (output 2)
14: 3.4V (input 2)
if someone can make measurement to compare to my values, thanks for your help