When it comes to the turbo/pc-engine I can't really see paying over $100 for a game. However, it also depends on what format it's for. Like SuperDeadite I can see paying in the couple hundred dollars for actual arcade pcb's. To me that is always worth the price if it's a game you love and constantly play. For Progear I sure as shit could play that price as well and have no regrets what so ever. If I paid over $100 for Magical Chase I would kick my own ass. Everyone has their own price point for their idea of fun though. I've learned that being on these boards for the past 5 years. The worst someone could do is buy a game based off of price. Some get the idea that if a game costs a lot of money and a lot of people want it, then it should be a good game. Doesn't work that way for everyone. I just stick to games I know, have played in the past, and will get a shit ton of play time to warrant paying a high price.