In the grand scheme of things, a lot of the fancy dancy visual effects aren't much in the programming department, and if the base artwork looks crappy, it will still look crappy.
It mostly involves planning what you are doing.
Then there are games that don't use alot of fancy dancy nonsense and look great, like Bonk's Adventure. The most complex thing you'll see is some parallax in the background as you walk. Nothing crazy.
A majority of Insanity was rewritten in assembly. Don't let the simplistic game designs fool you. They're still a pain in the ass to write and require the same kind of fiddling that any big commercial game would've. Any action-y game requires assembly. C, especially of the HuC variety, isn't going to cut it. Slower games will be ok.
When you really get down to it, for such a simple game, there is alot of crap going on. 11 sprites (10 robots and you), 11 shots (10 robot shots and you), and possibly Otto.
and ALL of these sprites have to actively see if they are colliding with another sprite, or a wall (tile).
In the case of alot of kickass shooters, the collisions-per-frame check aren't even as high as Insanity, despite being better looking, faster paced, and better overall.
11*11 = 121 sprite vs sprite collisions (You or robots colliding with one another)
1*10 = your shot vs. 10 other shot collisions
1*10 = your shot vs 10 robots
10*1 = 10 robot shot vs. your hero collisions
10*9 = 10 robot shots vs 9 other robots (cant shoot themselves)
1*11 = Otto colliding with any other sprite
1*11 = Otto absorbing shots
1*22 = wall checks for all 22 sprites
Thats like 285 maximum collision checks per vsync and the game doesn't slow down. I might have missed one.
I can't think of many games that could be doing 285 collision checks max. Thats what happens when most games don't have enemies colliding into each other and shooting each other, on top of shooting at you.
I imagine if Blazing Lazers allowed for enemies to hit each other too, the game wouldn't be so blazing anymore, lol
Another case in point: The MSX scene. Every homebrew game is written in assembly. Save a few that were done in BASIC, that were obviously done in BASIC.