Okay, let's see if I got this straight.....
LionHeart, aka Validus, used to be a member here, before he got banned for 1) Creating tons of topics and posting pointless pictures in other peoples topics and 2) Taking credit for works he had nothing to do with, such as a FAQ written by "mrgreen". (I read -all- those old search/linked pages, trying to fingure out what he had done, and that's basically what it boiled down to)
Now he's back, under a new name, and taking credit for working on the Xanadu II fan translation. (There's also some debate over something with 'devil' in the title, but the topic summary doesn't go back that far :-)
We know he's probably -not- doing the Xanadu II stuff; SamIAm hangs around here, and he named a different helper (Esperknight). Yet Lionheart uses the original announcement thread on RomHacking.net as proof, even though there is no sign of him there. (Hey, if you're not using the same name, I need proof it's you: post a message there and then -immediately- post here the exact same message, so we can compare the names. Otherwise, theres no proof you're even registered there at all.)
Now, I came in just a bit late for the Validus drama, so I don't know if this is the same guy or not; I tend to believe the mods, though, since they have to tools available to track those things. And I have to believe he was really obnoxious about it as well; Zeta and Necro get away with some pretty borderline behavior, but.... You know they're doing it for fun. At least they seem to be trying to be so over-the-top that you lol for a while, and then move on.
And, if I have to guess about who he really is on that romhacking.net thread, I'm going with the cpt guy - you know, the one who hates translations, and seems to have contributed one (already mentioned) translated version of one of the characters names.
FWIW, I've had this problem happen to me as well; Years ago someone saw my nick and started registering it on lots of programming sites, claiming credit for what I had done. My response was the same one I'll make now: Put Up or Shut Up. Post something -NEW- from the game, with a message from SamIAm (who we know IS working on the translation) saying that yes, it is from the game, and not stolen. Otherwise, just go away. Or lurk quietly.
(And for those who do wonder, I ended up posting a sample of a game, which the guy claimed credit for. I then asked how to get to the 'debug' screen, and he said there wasn't one. When I posted details of how to see it, he got laughed out of about a dozen different places :-)
OOps. Forgot the reason I started this post.
Anyone save his avatar? Maybe we can put it in the next demo of Pyramid Plunder, instead of the bats. Or maybe replace Otto with it in In5anity......
(no, it's not a typo. think about it)