Uh, hi.
I don't know who this guy is, but other than the voice actors helping with the dub, Esperknight and I are the only ones in on the project.
The LoX: II translation is doing fine, by the way. I've translated and edited about half of the script, while the other half remains undumped as it is apparently stored a bit differently. In the meantime, I'm keeping busy dealing with voice actors and line submissions, as well as attempting to do one of the characters myself.
I don't especially care what kind of special notoriety I have around here beyond not being confused with this guy. In case anyone wants to know, though, I live in Fukuoka City, Japan, where I teach private English lessons and translate part-time for a design company and an art museum. I'm 26. My favorite color is orange. You'll just have to take my word for it, I guess.