In this case though we're talking what, between 10-20 YEARS, and a lot of is prob based off of memories. Not saying that anyone would lie, but seriously you can remember exact totals, or have documentation from that long ago? Besides basing everything off of ONE person (possibly fallible/doesn't remember correctly, etc) matter who it is, is dubious as it is.
God, I feel like I'm shouting at a brick wall. Do you and Hegelson and BT just have some kind of authority complex? Are you contrarians? Is it just that you can't stand the thought of other people knowing things that you don't or presenting new information that conflicts with your little window of reality?
Yes, I willing to rest the crux of my argument on one person. That one person just so happens to be the most credible source to ever give two shits about the Turbo scene. And he probably remembered those exact numbers because it was his business to know. And he was shelling out $500,000 that day. And he has paper records.
I'm not doing myself or anyone else (beside speculator scum) a favor by arguing MC's rarity. I'm doing it because it's the only logical conclusion. If you want to argue, fine, but how about finding your own sources and facts and making some actual claims rather than just throwing up your arms and saying, "Oh f*ck this! How do we know if it's true? We don't know anything! WHAAA!"
Who's to say that just as many copies of OoTG weren't lost destroyed (which in all honestly prob sold worse than MC, or DD, etc.)
I've said this five goddamn times, but I'll say it once more just for you. I won't even use the word "penultimate" in case that's confusing people. There's a BIG difference between MC and OotG: MC WAS THE SECOND-TO-LAST TURBOCHIP! OotG shipped in 1992, the year of the Duo's launch, Air Zonk, and the last big advertising push. It had a huge window of escape to get the f*ck out of the warehouse and move some units before the bulldozers came. As far as we know, Darkwing, Tonma, World Sports, and Bomberman had smaller windows, being released in January, February, and March of 1993. Still, they had a headstart on MC, which was released in July 1993. The only cartridge to come after it was Bonk 3 in August. Battle Load Runner was due in October and we know what happened to that.
Sure, maybe OotG and MC initially had the same print run. I'll buy it. You're welcome to sit on your thumbs speculating about each games' popularity and the possibility of Toy's R Us sending leftover stock back until the cows come home....BUT, if you honestly believe that there are fewer copies of OotG out there than MC, you're an idiot.
Trust your bullshit detector. This story had the mark of truth back when geepee16 told it in 2008 and was shouted down by helgson. There's no reason to doubt Garwood unless you have evidence to trump it.
Do you have to be a condescending ass to someone with a differing opinion?
You are the one that seems to have an issue with anyone that has a POSSIBLE idea that "conflicts with your little window of reality." I'm all for if what's ststaed is exactly right...then we know. Not entertaining other POSSIBILITIES is narrow minded, and a foolhardy way to get the truth. Get back to me when everything you stated is set in stone without all the FACTS (you must be REALLY good to know them all when they haven't even been laid out).
Frankly I made solid points (even backed up as some is from memory). If you want to take a single persons word, have at it...I have seen no PROOF (one persons word without anything to back it up is hearsay, like it or not). Hell in this case it's second hand info....not that anyone's lying, but as much as someones "the most credible source to ever give two shits about the Turbo scene" (which could be alos it was just as much a business/ to make $ decision for them just as much as anything else), no ONE person is THE HEART AND SOUL/END ALL BE ALL OF ALL THAT IS TURBOB!!!
The fact that you equate someone who ran a business that effectively "extended the legacy of the system" as some savior of the Turbob, than slam BT who MADE GAMES FOR THE SAME SYSTEM (hmmm would that be continuing/supporting a system legacy) seems contadictary.
As for the OotG argument you keep flailing on it had longer to sell thru...a VERY niche game on a small selling system....yep I'll bet those FLEW off the shelf. If they were still "shelf warmers at the end, they could have easily been a large # in the "smash at the end" deal. I never said their were fewer copies, but that there could be VERY don't know...they could have destroyed 2,000 MC's, and 3,000 Ootg's (so in theory it IS possible there's more MC's than Ootg's...likely no, possible, yes).
While I find the whole deal of printruns, what happened at the end of life of the system as actually interesting, I learned years ago that one person's word (no matter who) CAN be fallible, mistakes made, wrong #'s stated, etc (does he have these records right in fromt of him or is he basing it off figures from a business deal when many of us were still in high school?). If you can remember exact figures from that long ago...good for you, many wouldn't.
(I'll post in caps so you can follow) I NEVER SAID ANYTHING STATED IS FALSE/LIES...but if there is irrefutable proof it would be interesting to see.
For someone that has some sad boner to slamming Mike "shouting this down"...when your post here is just as assinine, and insulting as anything you go on and on about Helgeson posting....irony much? Take 2 steps back from the keyboard if you get THIS damn worked up over's NOT that serious is it?
Also jayamine's post above states there are variables (none of us know) you can run around screaming anyone that disagrees is an idiot...yet you DON'T HAVE ALL THE your "facts"= theory at this point.