Exile: thanks for an honest post, I like your attitude. But, I am not talking about someone who is no longer in the community. They would clearly post on ebay or craigslist to sell. However, there are certainly people who no longer want the game, beat it, would rather have the money, or a ton of other games or etc. Or just really love PCFX or other gamers, and would want someone to carry on their copy for a price. The problem is that the "going rate" on this forum is like $300 tops loose, and maybe double that on ebay. So there is a large discrepancy between what turbo collectors think of value compared to some idiot who heard it was rare and wanted to spend a lot of money...
Mathias: I feel like it for life too, I wouldn't want to part with them...
Vestcoat: I feel you, but I would take a PC engine copy, as I like the PC engine as well.
I would be interested in both PCE and TG16 releases, as I just like collecting...
Zeta: I would argue that MC is valuable, ableit it very overpriced. Even if leet gamers don't think it is worth more than 50, there are total nubes who would pay serious money, hence making it valuable. Just like a fur coat is valuable, but I wouldn't pay what it was "worth" as I don't care about it. I have darkwing duck and have played it once, and then tried to snap it in half... I may try it again in several years...
Necromancer: another post about my penis and my ejaculations?
It was about 1 am, and I could not figure it out, as I consider it Dungeons and Dragons game, so I was not sure what he meant.
You accuse me of being part of the problem, but you really don't explain how or why. I already agreed that I was wrong for posting so much about MC. You seem to know me well, although you have never met me, nor spoken with me directly. I am proposing an idea that in theory would take ebay out of the mix completely, for rarer stuff, although it probably would not work.
Even if I was to try to "flip" MC to get paid, how would that work exactly? My time (as well as everyone else's) is certainly worth money, and considering the amount of posts I put on the net, when I do get the game, it will have cost me well more than the asking price, and then to make a couple hundred online, is certainly not worth it. And it doesn't come up that often on auction sites, you guys would be able to connect me very quickly with my fleebay name, and I would be disrespected and shunned more so than now....
My brother and I shared a turbo grafx when it came out, we got games every once in a while from babbages.
I truly loved the system, the games, and colors, the black sleekness of the system, and the tiny cards. We kinda stopped playing it, and I played a couple times in high school. And then I went away to school, bought a dreamcast, played a bit, and during that time I remembered how much fun the TG was. And I have gotten back into collecting obviously, hence the interest in completing my collection.
Necromancer You are certainly the most elite entity on this forum, your almost 8000 posts are filled with love, respect and visions of masturbation.
Anyone can be condescending and rude, on the internet, in fact it is very easy. It is a lot harder to be nice and patient.
at least I don't have a picture of my face with mc in the background, sorry RV...
I would love to hear more about where the obsession/normalcy of collecting begins and ends. Is there a difference in buying a diamond ring for your girl, or wanting a Toyota Supra, or insert x here. Presumably, some of you are married, bought your girl a diamond ring, and African kids arms were cut off or people were killed and etc... Or how about the new condo or house you are looking to buy, and whatever other stupid material possessions. I am not saying I am above that either... I was trying to get a list of interested parties, in case someone leet gamer wants to sell a copy for $X...
I never saw the Chase in stores, although I probably wasn't looking, and had not heard of it, so I had no reason to look.
this post is way too long and off topic, probably, sorry ladies and gents.