You accuse me of being part of the problem, but you really don't explain how or why.
at least I don't have a picture of my face with mc in the background, sorry RV...
It's only to piss off those who love me around here.
You need to up your game, as your trollsauce is too weak to garner anything more than a meh.
Quote from: Necromancer on April 27, 2011, 05:11:16 AMYou need to up your game, as your trollsauce is too weak to garner anything more than a meh.A meh will suffice.
I'm fairly new around here and even I think you're a loser.
<<still laughing>>
I seem to be the only one on the Deep Blue waiting list.I think I'll also add myself to the Keith Courage waiting list too,C'mon you selfish bastards out there stop hogging all the copies, share the Keithy love. :arrow:
I scanned that picture, but didn't see a Magical Chase?