Arkhan, you're hilarious. Yes I DO kinda catch a whiff of ego every time I talk to Cobb. I can't blame him too much. I love screaming up and down how I started MAGFest now that it's getting really big. (Ego? guilty as charged.)
Ego is fine when you do something useful. You deserve to wave your weener around about it a little.
Cobb's ego is built off incorrect, asinine claims. His entire core is built around acquiring the rights to someone else's work. I'm thrilled he's publishing Sega games, but it isn't like he's doing something ground breaking. Pier Solar proves you don't need his toolbaggery to make a Sega game. The NES, Atari, Coleco, MSX, Spectrum and C64 markets prove you don't need him to produce anything really. Knight n Grail for C64 is sex. Cobb had nothing to do with it.
and then there's the PCE. We don't need anyone. We can produce this shit from our living rooms and basements! \o/
He's a salesman, and his site screams that left and right. Is it really necessary to put a quote from yourself at the top of a page? No. It's not. Stop being a shmuck.
The people who should be flailing around bragging and waving their purple headed yogurt slingers around are all the developers. All the idea people. All the people who are actually doing work outside of publishing it. If I had someone else produce Insanity, and they proceeded to weave a Cobbweb of lies and filth about it, I'd hit them with my car.
"WERE PROUD TO PRESENT A FIRST IN HOMEBREW: PCE CD GAMES" (what about meteor blaster and Implode?!)
etc. etc.
The people who MADE the games deserve more credit and attention than Cobbweb gives them. He should be verbally blowing them for even completing work for him to publish and slap his goony looking logo all over. I'd like to break that chicks fingers off of my Wukong box. She's a wannabe Chun-Li. Get off my clamshell, skankbag.